Endless Possibilities

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The time around them seemed to stop, the air shifting in a manner only meant for the two of them in that particular moment in time.

When they pull away, their eyes shine in a different light, their looks towards each other even more compassionate and loving than they ever have been - and Jeonghan wondered if maybe that was the first time in which they both felt like they could be truly and utterly reckless with each other, if maybe that was the time in which he realized that he didn't need to put any restrictions on himself and that he should just be able to live.

And Jisoo was smiling, tangling their fingers together, not saying a word.

It is a common saying that states 'actions speak louder than words'.

And, for the first time, Jeonghan let himself believe it.


Watching Jisoo had always been something that Jeonghan would never get tired of. Not then, not ever.

When Jisoo was passionate about something, he would put his all into it - no matter what the circumstance. When it came to music, or art, or acting, nothing could get in Jisoo's way when he was determined to do his best. He would shatter expections that some others had conjured of, starting his own and aiming for it until he reached the highest point that he could.

This was one of the many things that Jeonghan liked about Jisoo. He had always wished that he had the other's drive, his motivation to always do what he knew that he needed to, what he wanted to.

It wasn't about needing to do anything. Jisoo wanted to better himself, simple as that.

Being incredibly sweet and selfless also added in to the list of things that Jeonghan liked most about Jisoo - and let me tell you, it was a long list. Things ranging from big significance to of little significance were written, branded into Jeonghan's memory whenever he felt like he needed them.

Just being with Jisoo again was enough for Jeonghan. But having back the feeling of belonging, of having someone to love and be there with - well, Jeonghan wouldn't change that feeling for the world.


When Jisoo asked Jeonghan to be his boyfriend, his hands had shook, his voice wavered, quivered slightly due to not only nerves of what Jeonghan would answer, but also to how his parents would.

Family was a huge part of Jisoo's life, and thinking about how they would react to the two boys made Jisoo extremely wary. Jeonghan knew this, knew that whatever they had could easily become more of a mess, something that both of them could end up regretting in the end. It could end up with them both in shambles, tearing each other apart in the best yet worst way possible.

But Jeonghan also knew that it could be the best decision of their lives. It could lead to them being a long term relationship, one full of love, support, comfort, care that could mend not only the mind, but the heart and soul, also. It could lead to them growing old together, living off in a comfortable city with everything that they needed to make and keep a balanced life. It could lead to them graduating school together, celebrating their accomplishments with each other, with friends that had always been there, family that wasn't always there but had the best idea in mind for them.

It could lead to them adopting children together, raising them with the values that they wanted to have, making sure that they're loved and cared for no matter what. It could lead to them -

The possibilities are endless.

Jeonghan said yes, deciding that the possibilities better be given a chance.

They spend the rest of the day cuddled up next to each other, rain pouring down on the windowsill outside of Jeonghan's room, setting a calm, relaxing feel to the already lax atmosphere surrounding them.

Jeonghan laid his head on Jisoo's chest, his arms hugging Jisoo tighter to his body as Jisoo placed a soft, whisper like peck on Jeonghan's forehead.

When Jisoo was around, Jeonghan felt like it was easier to breathe.

Which was ironic, since Jisoo was always the one to take Jeonghan's breath away in the first place.


They aren't ones that need to be together all of the time. Jeonghan thanked his lucky stars that Jisoo needed space just as much as he did, and the boys fell into a pattern that revolved around being together, being by themselves, being with friends, and with their families. Time divided evenly between the three of them - along with their own personal time, time for school, etc - didn't make it easier, but eventually settles them into a sense of reality as to how things would really work out within their relationship.

Even without their parents knowing (although Jeonghan's family always had a clue, no matter how much they tried to deny it) of their new formed status, things started to fall and click into place without Jeonghan and Jisoo even realizing it.

Great things come at the most unexpected times. You just have to wait for it.


"Do you think that everything will work out?"

The question is very broad yet straight forward, cutting through the silence that settled before them as they laid on the cold, grass covered ground, looking up at the stars that twinkled in the late night sky.

To Jeonghan it feels like the stars know things that we do not. They seem to mock us with their beauty, ones that burn out too quickly, too soon to ever be considered a shooting star, before they disintegrate into the sky with one big 'poof', leaving no goodbye or evidence of their last wish, just stardust sprinkled into the sky, remaining until the next star comes and repeats the process that the first did all too well.

Perhaps our lives, as humans, are the same as the lives of stars.

"...I think that when I'm with you, anything and everything will work out perfectly fine. There's no use in worrying about it, because for now we're both happy and content with how things are, and isn't that what this is all about?"

Jeonghan seemed to get his answer when Jisoo's lips were suddenly on his, the warm feeling bubbling in his stomach as he pressed back, feeling their hands being entertwined by their sides.

The possibilities are endless, and maybe nothing will work out, or maybe it all will, but regardless as to how fate decided to bring them together, they have each other for that moment, and that's all that they need to know to have everything feel like it's okay.

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