Taking a Turn

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And together they awoke, Jeonghan being the first to open his eyes, hearing the tweeting of the birds outside of the room. Glancing around himself, Jeonghan sank in the feeling of being in Jisoo's arms. The younger had moved slightly in his sleep, his hair splayed out haphazardly across Jeonghan's pillows. His arms had pulled Jeonghan closer, to the point of where it seemed like their two separate bodies had no end and no beginning.

Jisoo looked quite peaceful in his sleep, with none of his emotions taking a toll on him at that moment in time. The ginger haired boy appeared to be so tranquil that Jeonghan couldn't possibly bring himself to wake the other up. So he merrily snuck his head onto Jisoo's shoulders, snuggling closer to the younger, trying his best not to disturb his dongsaeng.

Sighing quietly, Jeonghan closed his eyes, trying to concentrate on the way that the two boys' breathing aligned. If he listened close enough Jeonghan could feel Jisoo's heartbeat, how close yet so far away the younger seemed.

Jeonghan didn't get time the night before to think about anything that Jisoo had said to him. The blankets and pillows had been far too inviting to even think about thinking. But Jeonghan knew that Jisoo knew that Jeonghan felt the same way as he did, that was no secret; it had always been that way. Although now that Jeonghan knew his feelings weren't only just one sided, he felt much better about the situation.

It's not everyday that your best friend tells you that he likes you, and that he wants to be with you. That he won't give up on you.


Jeonghan felt his heart swell, his eyes suddenly misty due to the change in direction that his thoughts were wondering in. Jisoo had been so sweet, and so caring, and just - so nice that it was almost sickenly impossible. Jeonghan knew how Jisoo was, had known him all of his life, so it was nothing new; just sometimes so shocking that he couldn't help but be surprised by it.

How someone could be such a gentleman all of the time was beyond Jeonghan, but Jisoo somehow managed to pull it off effortlessly.

Go figure.

Jeonghan knew that he had somehow had the luck to meet someone like Jisoo. Someone who completed him, someone who made him feel special, someone he could trust whole heartedly. The stars had somehow aligned to make the two exist in each other's lives, and to whoever Jeonghan should be grateful towards, he fully sent thanks to that presence.

This doesn't happen to everyone. Not everyone gets chances like this, gets this great of a life, and sometimes Jeonghan felt like he was so ungrateful towards the life that he had been given. But not ungrateful purpose, of course not. Sometimes people just tend to forget what privileges they have - it was a human thing, Jeonghan had noticed quickly.

The long, lilac haired boy, who was then cuddled up in the abundance of his fluffly pajamas and placed delicately in Jisoo's arms, had been so spaced out with his own thoughts that he hadn't noticed the other staring at him thoughtfully, the worry evident on his best friend's face.

Jisoo looked at him carefully, attentively watching Jeonghan for reasons unknown to the older of the two. Jisoo breathed out a greeting, quickly following it with one of the questions that Jeonghan really didn't want to answer at that moment in time.

"Are you okay? You look like you've been crying...?" Jisoo trailed off, looking into Jeonghan's eyes. Jisoo had such pretty eyes, almost cat like; it was almost blinding, the way that the dark auburn color reflected the sunlight coming in through the window.

And suddenly Jeonghan is back down to earth again, something that he's not really well acquinted with. Being so lost up in the clouds all of the time can't be a good thing, but Jeonghan thought willfully that maybe being lost and free in his own thoughts is the way to go about it sometimes.

Although obviously, one of those times was not that particular moment. Get it together Jeonghan, before Jisoo begins to ask even more questions.

"What? No, I'm fine. I was just... thinking." Jeonghan's voice comes out slowly yet surely, gradually gaining tone as it went.

"What were you thinking about?" Jisoo said a bit wearily, looking to be afraid of hearing the answer. Jisoo bit his lip thoughtfully, not seeming to notice the way that Jeonghan squirmed in his arms at the action.

Do you not know what you do to me? Hong Jisoo, I demand you to stop this instant. You're too gorgeous for your own good.

"I, um... Just. Things." Jeonghan shrugged slightly, or as much as he could considering the position that Jisoo was currently holding him in.

"Care to elaborate any?"

Jeonghan sighed tiredly, bringing his gaze around so that he could look at Jisoo properly.

"I was thinking about last night. About what you said. And I, I just..." Jeonghan could feel the tears building up in his eyes before he could even try to stop them, but he needed to get his thought out, so he paused for a moment, blinking rapidly.

"I'm just so lucky to have you in my life, you know? I can't imagine myself without you, not now, not ever. Until the day that I die, I want you to be there with me. I want to be the one who holds your hand, who can give you the undying love that you deserve. I want that everlasting relationship, the one that sounds cliche and cheesy. I want feelings, and to be able to tell you how much you mean to me at any point of the day. I want everything that comes with being with you, the highs and the lows. I don't care how long it takes. I want you, Jisoo."

The words hadn't been spoken without a tremble of the voice, without a few tears falling here and there. And with the way that Jisoo looked at him, Jeonghan was glad that the words were understandable, because he would not try to say all of that again; not with how much of a mess he was becoming.

"I want you too, Jeonghan. So much. I'm so sorry that you're feeling this way, but I promise you, it'll be okay. We'll be okay. I know it."

The two didn't want to let go of each other the night before, nor did they want to at that moment in time. So they stayed huddled together, pressed closer than they had ever been before.

And while it terrified the both of them to think about what was yet to come, they were also extremely glad that things were finally taking a turn for the better.

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