Party Time

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Everything slowed down after that. School went on, life progressed as usual, but it was as if something was there, shielding life from actually being lived. Jeonghan couldn't believe that something like losing Jisoo could make him feel this way. That someone could be so important that it feels like you can't live without them.

Jeonghan was more mad at himself than anything. If he wouldn't have been stupid, then maybe things would've been okay between them. Maybe they just could've moved on, made things easier within their friendship, and just ignored it. Ignore the feelings that were bubbling up within them, something that neither of them knew how to deal with. They never had to deal with it before. It wasn't normal.

It's not that Jeonghan thinks that there's anything wrong with his feelings for Jisoo. Or, well, for his feelings towards any other boy, in general. He doesn't see anything wrong with himself, despite what some other people might think about it. It still took Jeonghan a while to wrap his head around the whole idea. He had never liked someone so much before this, and it came as a shock to him when he finally confronted his feelings rather than running away from them.

Maybe it would've been better to just run away from his feelings. They might've still been there, but then at least he would still have Jisoo there with him.

And the thing is is that Jeonghan could possibly still fix this. He could patch things up, make excuses as to why he was avoiding the other. Make it seem like nothing was wrong, nothing out of the normal. Of course he doesn't have feelings for his best friend, that'd be insane. If he could pull it off, then maybe everything would be okay.

Jeonghan sighed, looking up at his ceiling in his bedroom. That's another thing he has to work on not doing so much : daydreaming. Or over thinking. One of the two. Okay, maybe both. At least he admits to it.

His friends had been trying to contact him, his phone going off constantly from the moment that he got home for the weekend. And it's not like he doesn't want to hang out with his friends, he does, it's just that he doesn't want to burden anyone else with his feelings. Jeonghan knows that his friends wouldn't mind helping him, that they would cheer him up with or without actually trying. Jeonghan just doesn't want to make it seem like it's their job to help him out of this mess of a situation that he made himself in the first place.

He'll deal with it himself, thank you very much.

So he stayed in his room,trying his best not to overthink about things. He already finished his homework, already done the studying that he had to. Already talked to his family, already put on a smile and chatted lively enough that it seemed that everything was fine. And of course, everything was. Fine, that is. Maybe if he continued to think that it was, it would actually come true.

Jeonghan doubted it.

Having enough of his phone going off, Jeonghan swiped it off of the counter, looking at the caller ID of who was calling him. Hansol. Of course.

Deciding to answer it, Jeonghan pressed the accept button, and flipped his hair out of his eyes. He wasn't sure exactly what he was thinking with the dyed purple locks, but whatever. It worked, for now.

"Hello?"Jeonghan greeted, holding the phone close to his ear. All he got in response was static and distant yelling. Looking at his phone confusedly, Jeonghan was about to end the call when suddenly he hears a shout of "Yah! Jeonghan hyung!". Recognizing Hansol's voice, Jeonghan brought his phone back to his ear, listening to Hansol ramble on about a party that night that he was having at his house.

"And you need to be there! I'm not giving you a choice in this, hyung. Your presence is vital to this party. Be there at 8, no later. See ya there!" And suddenly the call in ended, before Jeonghan can even get a response out towards the younger. Shaking his head, Jeonghan puts his phone back on the charger, checking the time. 6:25. Not bad of a notice, since Hansol usually waited until the last second with planning things.


Jeonghan walked towards Hansol's house, since the younger lived a street over. Trying not to shiver too much from the autumn temperature that keeps getting lower and lower as the time of the day gets later, Jeonghan practically bounced himself onto Hansol's front porch, pressing the door bell quickly. Hearing the 'ding dong' of the bell, Jeonghan waited for a moment, until Hansol's smiling face appeared behind the opened door.

"Jeonghan! Come in, come in," Hansol greeted, and Jeonghan complied, walking into the warm house gratefully. Looking around, Jeonghan grinned to himself, thinking about all of the memories that were in the older Victorian styled home. He'd been friends with Hansol for a very long time, so every thing around him looks familiar and holds some sort of importance.

Although all of the people crowding the halls were new. While Hansol had parties regularly, usually they weren't this crowded. Jeonghan and Hansol talked for a bit, stories and laughter working their way into the conversation. It's kind of crazy how much can be missed within a couple of days .

After a while though, Jeonghan was alone at the party. Well he wasn't technically alone, but he didn't have his friends around him, which was basically the same thing as being alone, in his opinion. Messing with his shirt sleeves and looking around thoughtfully, Jeonghan couldn't come up with a reason as to why he needed to be at this party. Nothing of important was happening to him. He could probably leave, and it wouldn't make a difference.

But Hansol told him he needed to be there, and being the good friend that Jeonghan was, he stayed.

Sitting down on one of the chairs that were in the kitchen, Jeonghan took a sip from the water bottle he was just given. Call him boring or whatever, but he wasn't going to take a chance with the beer that other people at the party were indulging themselves with. No thank you.

Suddenly Jeonghan was beingd dragged by this wrist, and all he could do was follow dumbly as Jihoon dragged him through the living room and down the stairs, towards the basement. Jeonghan hadn't seen Jihoon before this, so he was glad to see his short, pink hair friend. At least someone familiar was around, finally.

Coming to a stop at the foot of the basement, Jihoon let out a breath and looked at Jeonghan, smiling at him with a grin that could only mean trouble. "Jeonghan ah," Jihoon greeted warmly, and instantly Jeonghan knew that Jihoon had something up his sleeve.

Looking behind them, Jeonghan noticed his other friends, all of them either standing near or sitting on the couch that was against the far wall. All of them were looking at him with odd, enthusiastic expressions, grinning at him nervously.

Jeonghan grinned back at them, about to ask what was going on, when suddenly there were loud footsteps and small voices getting louder by the second.

Looking up at the stairs confusedly, Jeonghan closed his mouth, his thoughts dissapearing from his mind.

Wonwoo stepped off the last step of the stairs, dragging a confused looking Jisoo behind him. Jeonghan startled for a moment, looking at the two boys that just appeared.

Jeonghan and Jisoo locked eyes, neither of them sure of what to say.

Oh, Jeonghan thought, trying to get his heart rate under control. This is why Hansol needed Jeonghan to be there.

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