Chapter 1

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so..yes, this is my new fanfic! hope you enjoy it :-)


Aria's POV

School just started and I hate it already, but my boyfriend Matt makes it so much better.

He's a blue eyed baby, with blonde hair, and a great body. He may come on as a fuck boy, but he's the opposite. We've been dating for 5 months now, and its been amazing.

All of my teachers are assholes..but on the bright side I have a couple friends in each hour.

It's 5th hour, and we all have one more hour to go, and there is 30 minutes
left. I wish this class would go by faster. I sigh.

"As you know, its the third week of school and I'm going to tell you about a 240 point project we are going to start working on!" my boring ass teacher named Mrs. Anderson says.

English. Probably my most hated subject other than math, and she is literally the history of worst teachers that I've ever had.

"You will get with a partner and write a 1200 word paper about Shakespearian Comedies. I will be assigning your partners." she says, and everyone groans. God, help me please.

"Aria, you're going to be with Bonnie!" she says.

YES!!! Bonnie is my absolute best friend, and I love her to death. We've been friends since the 1st grade, when I moved from Texas, to here in New Jersey.

Our paper is going to be the best paper that Mrs. Anderson has ever had!

Haha sike, we suck at English.

"Class, you may begin!" she exclaims.

I don't understand how this bitch is always enthusiastic. Like if I was a teacher I would be salty all the time.

Anyway, I grab my backpack and walk all the way over the the other side of the room, because Mrs. Anderson separated us for talking 24/7. Not my fault that my teacher is boring as fuck.

"What Shakespeare comedy should we write about? Because I have no idea" I laugh.

"Same. Does she expect us to read the Shakespeare plays like what the hell?" she says.

"I guess she does. This is why I hate
her guts. She can suck my dick" we both burst into fits of laughter.

"Aria and Bonnie! Tone it down!" Mrs. Anderson yells, interrupting our conversation.

"its not our fault that you put us together" Bonnie says. Which is true because she knows we're best friends. 

"Exactly, you should have thought about that" I chime in.

"Both of you! Principles office right now!" she screams.

"Why? We didn't do anything" I shrug.

"OUT!! NOW" she screams pointing at the door.

"Ok satan" I say, as me and Bonnie walk out the door.

"I can't believe that bitch! I hate her so much dude" Bonnie says.

"Dude, your telling me. Oh well, its not like we're getting suspended or something" I say

"You right, you right" Bonnie shrugs, and I let out a giggle.

We reach the principals office. As we're walking to Mr. Mean's office, I notice a guy about my age, and damn was he attractive. He looks new. Wonder where he came from. He smirks which makes me smirk also. No. Focus. I have to face the principal. This should be good.

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