Chapter 14

418 14 4

Aria's POV

The weekend went by pretty fast after Grayson came. All I did was watch Netflix and talk to my best friends, and of course check on Jeremy.

Vicky is doing pretty okay now, which is a relief for everyone. I still don't understand how an animal could attack her and bite her neck.. its so bizarre.

Anyway, it's Monday. Gross.

I hear the sound of my alarm clock  blaring through my ears as I turn it off and check the time. 7:15 AM.

"shit, i'm gonna be late" I say to myself.

I rush around my room looking for a decent outfit to wear to school, and I decide on my black ripped jeans and put on a dress shirt, with my boots.

I rush to my bathroom. I wash my face, do my daily makeup routine and curl my hair.

I rush out of my room into Jeremy's room and pound on his door.

"Jeremy wake up! We're gonna be late!"

He doesn't answer, so I bust the door down and find that his bed is perfectly made, and he is no where in sight.

"what the..." I whisper to myself.

I go downstairs and see aunt Jenna is at the table, on her phone, sipping her coffee.

She looks up, and says "you good?"

I puff out a pound of air and say "i'm going to school bye"

"Wait! Aria!!" she yells

"what? I'm going to be late!" I yell back

"you forgot, it's daylight savings. It's actually 6:30" she giggles

"WHAT?" I yell, throwing my hands up in stupidity.

I can't believe I forgot. Damn, I'm dumb as hell.

"God dammit" I hiss

"Where's Jeremy then?" I ask.

"He went to go see Vicky early this morning. He told me to tell you he will see you at school"

"Well, what are you doing up so early? You never get up this early" I laugh

"Well, as you know, I need to provide for you guys. So I'm interviewing for a job at 7" she says

"Aunt Jenna! That's great! I hope everything goes well" I say as I travel over to give her a hug

"yeah yeah, me too"

"So what are you going to do until school starts? You got up really early"

"Well, I'm going to figure out how to kill time" I say as I grab my car keys and open the door.

"Bye Jenna, good luck"


I shut the door and head to my car. I decide to call Bonnie to see if shes up for Starbucks.

"Call Bonnie" I tell my car

"Calling Bonnie" my car says



"hey Bonnie! You're awake! thank god"

"is there a problem?"

"no I just totally forgot it was daylight savings. Meet me at Starbucks in 5?"

"yeah i'm on my way right now"

"ok bye Bon"


I hang up the phone and turn on the radio. I listen to it until I reach Starbucks.

After about 5 minutes of jamming to my favorite music, i'm in the Starbucks parking lot.

I see Bonnie's car and I figure that shes already inside, which she is.

I met up with Bonnie and we got 2 caramel lattes and sat down, and talked about anything.

I check my phone once again and see it is 7:30 am.

I tell Bonnie that I have to get going, and we split our ways.

I start to drive to school, and suddenly I see Grayson walking with his backpack. I assume he's going to school. But the school is about 4 miles? Nobody could walk that far in 15 minutes.

I pull my car over and roll my window down. I smile and his face lights up.

"Aria?!" he says

"You need a ride? School is pretty far from here!" I say

"that would be nice" he smiles, which causes me to smile.

He opens the passenger door, climbs in and shuts the door.

"better buckle your seatbelt" I giggle.

"Right" he smirks.

God, that smirk. I could feel myself blushing.

"So where do you live from here?"

he laughs.

"Oh, I totally just sounded like a total creep i'm sorry" I giggle.

"Oh no. I just live a couple blocks from where you offered me a ride"

"Don't you have a car?"

"I mean I do, but its an old car and is broken"

"well maybe I can come over and help you fix it" I smile

"that would be great, but you don't know anything about cars, do you?"

"You got me. All I know is how to drive one" I giggle

"I can teach you a few things about cars" he smiles.

"i'm looking forward to it" I smile, as I pull into the school parking lot, and into a parking spot.

"Thanks so much for the ride" he says, giving me a hug.

"hey, don't mention it" I say and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"See you in history" I smile

"looking forward to it" he smiles back.



Vamp GraysonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora