Chapter 2

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Aria's POV

"So Mrs. Anderson told me why she sent you both to my office" principal Mr. Means says.

"And what did she say? Because we sure weren't doing anything that was worth sending us to the principal's office" I say, and Bonnie nods along.

"She said that you told her to suck a lower region body part, and you sassed her" he goes but Bonnie cuts him off.

"We never said that. She hates us, and she wants to get us suspended!" Bonnie says

"Yeah!" I chime in.

"I'm sorry...but I'm going to have to suspend you bot-"

"NO!" both me and Bonnie scream

"Mr. Means please, we don't deserve to be suspended! We didn't do anything!"
I say

"Its the rules, I'm sor-"

Mr. Means is cut off.

Both me and Bonnie turn around, and its the same guy I saw sitting in the main part of the office!

"Do we have a problem in here, Mr. Means?" he asks

"No. Why are you in here again? Get out" he commands

He walks up to Mr. Means, looks him straight in the eyes, and says

"You will not suspend these ladies. Forget this ever happened and move on with your life" he says

"Okay. Ladies, you may go back to class
now" he says calmly.

How did he convince him?

"Thank you, your a life saver" Bonnie says

I let out a sigh. I walk up to him. "Thank you" I take in his features. He looks deeply into my eyes, as his body is inches away from mine. I can feel my heart beating faster and faster and my breathing hitching.


I can hear her heart pounding and her breathing hitching. She's nervous. She manages to let out a "thank you".

Aria's POV

"how did you convince Mr. Means? He never gets convinced." I say

"I have my ways" he smirks, which causes me to smirk.

I laugh. "Okay...see ya later and thanks again!" I flash a toothy smile which makes him smile.

"Your welcome ladies" he says.

Me and Bonnie make our way back to Mrs. Anderson's room.

"Oh, he's so into you" Bonnie says

"Bonnie stahp" I say laughing

"Did you not see the way he looked at you?!" she exclaims.

"No? I have to admit, I was nervous around him" I say

"OMG plz date" Bonnie says

"He doesn't like me so quit your shit"
I laugh

"Oh bullshit" she says

"its not bullshit, it's true" I say, even though deep down I wonder..


We make it to Mrs. Anderson's room and open the door. In a heartbeat,
all eyes are on us, and hear "ooo's".

"Ha sike you thought we were getting suspended" Bonnie says, as I chime in.

"Yeah. Better luck next time Mrs. Anderson. It's gonna be a good year" I say as Bonnie and I snicker.

The bell rings and me and Bonnie scurry off before she could say anything else.

I usually meet Matt by my locker, and that's exactly where I'm headed, but then I notice my brother Jeremy going into the bathroom with weed, I run to the mens bathroom.

"Jeremy what the hell are you doing?"
I ask

"What's it look like I'm doing, I'm
smoking weed" he says

"Jeremy you need to stop smoking things just because mom and dad died" I say taking the weed out of his hand, and throwing it on the bathroom floor.

"Oh, so you're saying you don't miss them?"

"Jeremy, of course I miss them, but it doesn't mean you have to grieve by smoking and drinking!" I yell

"Just leave me alone. I have my way of grieving and you have yours" my stubborn brother says as he storms out of the bathroom. I go after him, and as I'm running out of the bathroom the same guy from the office is right there. At the entrance of the mens bathroom.

"umm.. hey" I say awkwardly

"how was the bathroom?" he asks and laughs

"pretty good.. its my brother. He's going though some stuff" I say

"Oh, I understand" he smiles.

I smile and walk away, struggling to find Jeremy.

I fast walk through all the halls until I see my very own boyfriend making out with this dumb bitch Jessica.

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