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Selena Gomez as Faith Hills


~After 1 year~

Faith P.O.V

"FAITH! Get your lazy ass out of the bed!" Mum yells shaking me.

"Let me sleep" I mumble pushing her away.

"Will you wake up? You're getting late" She says, pouring a glass of cold water on me.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" I shout. How dare she disturb my beauty sleep.

"Thats not the way to talk to your mother, young lady" She says raising an eyebrow.

"And thats not the way to wake up your beautiful daughter, mum" I tease her. I love teasing her, okay no scratch that I love teasing everyone.

"Remember you told me to pour a glass of cold water on you, if you didn't wake up, oh and get ready." She says walking out of the door. Leaving me alone to get ready.

My mum has always been like this and I consider myself lucky because a lot of mothers are very strict.

I lean to the side of my bed and check the time. Its 7:30 am. I'm getting late for my job.

I quickly grab my clothes and get into shower. Showers are always relaxing.

After wearing my clothes. I quickly apply some mascara, eye liner, blush and baby pink lipstick. Once I was ready I glanced at myself in the mirror.

I am wearing a pastel pink shirt with white little polka dots on them which are barely visible, white ripped jeans and baby pink heels. Oh, and I have braided my hair.

"Well, look at my beautiful girl" I hear someone say as he wrapped his arms around me and I immediately recognised the voice.

"Hey Dylan" I say smiling, turning backwards staring into his blue eyes.

"Hey babe" He mumbles smiling. "Why are you so dressed up?"

"Uh because you said that you would take me out?"

"Oh right, sorry" He says leaning and kissing me. His soft pink lips against mine.

"We have to go now, you're getting late" Dylan breaks away from the kiss and grabs my hand.

I immediately ran and grabbed my sunglasses.
"Lets go"

Dylan and I have been dating for 2 years now. Back in the high school I used to be a total nerd and would go to the cafe that is nearby to study.

There I met him for the first time, he spilled his drink on my shirt but I didn't care, I was so lost in his eyes, that I could barely understand anything. That was the start of us.


I quietly walk and sit in my place because I'm late again. It's my habit. Thank God no one noticed!

"Miss Hills you're late again" I turn around to face my boss.

Zayn Malik.



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