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Harper Beckham as Aimah Malik


Faith's P.O.V

All I can hear is Zayn's phone buzzing and nothing else. He doesn't even talk! What even is wrong with him, I cant stay a minute without speaking.

"Uhm sir? Your phone is ringing." I quietly say turning around to face him.

"I can hear that, I have ears." He says focusing on the road. He has some problem so I think it's better to keep my mouth shut. The phone stops ringing.

Why is Zayn so boring?! I turn around to face the window. As I'm staring outside, Zayn's phone starts buzzing again.

"Dammit!" I hear him say and then see him picking it up from the corner of my eye.

"What is wrong with you? I told you that when I don't pick up my phone, I'm busy!" He yells. I hear some voice which is too low for me to hear. He speaks again

"What did Aimah do now? For fucks sake, I hired you to keep an eye on her! Give the phone to her." He must be talking about her daughter! But what does 'keep an eye on her' means? Where is her mum?

"Aimah my love, I've told you before that mummy has gone to see the God, she'll be back soon.... I don't know when, but soon. Now go to sleep, will you? Daddy loves you.... To the moon and back. Goodbye baby" Zayn's voice completely changes. Tf does went to see the God means.

He hangs up the phone and starts to drive.

"That was Aimah, my daughter" He says looking at my expression. The way he says 'my daughter' makes me melt. He loves her a lot.

"Is she cute like you?" I say before thinking.

He raised one of his eyebrow. "Like me?" He chuckles. God, his laugh! I cant help but blush.

"She is the prettiest girl, I've ever seen. She is the most beautiful girl one has ever seen. She has these pink cheeks, small eyes and nose and straight hair. Does this make her cute like me?" He says stopping at a signal and looking at me.

"I bet she's a cutie! I can't wait to meet her." I say smiling at the thought of her. Zayn just chuckles, shaking his head and continues driving.

"What's her name? Aimah?" I ask

"Aimah Trisha Malik, Trisha is my mum's name" He mumbles smiling.

"Oh" Is all I can say. I just can't imagine him being so sweet and caring. But what about his wife? I'm curious as hell.

After a few minutes, I finally gathered the courage to ask him. "Hey Zayn?" "Hmm?"

"What about your wife? I'd love to meet her!" I say excitedly. All of a sudden, he stops the car and turns around to face me.

"It's none of your business ok? Stop annoying me with your high pitched ugly voice." He snaps looking me in the eyes and then looks at the road.

"Your house is here, now go." He says not looking at me.

What even was that? What did I say to make him like that? I just asked him about his wife! Asshole

I open the door and start advancing to my house. Wait how did he know my address?! I turn around to ask him but he was already gone


Unhealed Scars \\ Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now