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Zendaya as Caroline (Carol) Malik


"Miss Hills, you're late again" I turn around to face my boss.

Zayn Malik.

"Uh I'm so sorry, sir" I reply keeping my gaze lower.

"You're always sorry, Miss Hills" He replies back in a stern voice.

"I'm sorry sir, this will not happen again .... I promise" I apologise keeping myself from rolling my eyes

"It should not happen again, remember that I can fire you anytime, Miss Hills"

"Uh you can call me Faith"

"I will call you whatever I want, remember I'm the boss here not you" And with that he starts walking back to his office.

"Douche" I mutter under my breath after he left.

"I heard that!" I hear a voice yell. Great, he heard now I'm dead. But I don't care, I like annoying him.

"I don't care if you heard that, go fuck yourself" I mumble in a very low voice so that my boss can't hear what I said.

Suddenly I hear footsteps coming towards me. I turn around to see my boss or should I say Zayn advancing towards me.

No he can't. He's gonna fire why did I even said those words? I'm insane I always screw up things. This is all my fault! What will I tell mum? That congrats mum, your daughter told her boss to fu-

"I would rather enjoy doing it to you, love" He whispers in my ear pushing my thoughts aside. Wait what? He has a daughter for Gods sake!

"What? Last time I checked you had a dau-" I'm interrupted once again by him giving me a "are-you-insane-because-I-think-you-are" look.

"You thought I was serious? I have no interest in you. I just came to tell that this is the last time, I'm not firing you because you are the best accountant here. This should not happen again, Miss Hills" And with that he walks away leaving me speechless. What the hell did just happen?


Fifteen minutes after that awkward conversation with my boss. I'm busy in doing my work when someone throws a paper at me. I immediately know who it is.

"What?" I look at my right side directly at the curly haired boy that I have a major crush on.

Yep you read that right, I have a boyfriend and I have a crush on my co-worker. I'm such a whore lmao.

"What did one flag say to another?" Harry asks.

"What?" I say even though I know the answer.

"Nothing, they just waved" Harry slaps his knee and bursts out laughing. While I keep staring him wide eyes.

"This. Was. So. Funny. Haha" He says between his laughter.

"This joke is so old, Edwardo"

"You're making me regret telling you my middle name"

"I'm bored" I turn to face him and the rest of the time passes quickly by talking to him. Wow, I literally did no work today.


Unhealed Scars \\ Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now