" Gold Digger . "

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Yn Pov -

So Prod, Roc, Ray, & Prince All Left To Go Over Prod's House...I Didnt Wanna Go So Me & Ant Decided To Go To The Mall, Khera, Amanda & Asia Went Home. Me & Ant Was In The Mall ( Ant Is My Bestfriend Outta All The People I Hang With )

Ant ; Wanna Go To Footlocker ?

Me ; Yeah Man I Wanna Cop Them Grapes 5 & Bred 11s ...

Ant ; The New KD'S Came Out Today I Wanna Get ... Let's Go !

We Went Inside Footlocker, The Line Was Super Long For The New KD's

Me ; What's So Good About The KD's?

Ant ; Man What? Mood Shoelaces, Glow In The Dark, Hard Soles That Smell Like The Casino Carpet & You Asking Me Whats So Good About Them???

I Laughed.

Me ; Whatever Man .

I Grabbed The Shoes I Wanted In A Size 5 In Kids... Yeah My Feet Small !

Ant Grabbed The KD'S In A Size 7 , We Paid For Our Shoes & Left.

Me ; Hat Store Next?

Ant ; Yeah !

We Went In All The Stores & Bought What We Wanted. I Heard Snobby Kids Say "Look At That Couple" & "Ew She Gay" But I Didnt Pay Attention. About 2Hours Later We Were Done Shopping.

I Drove Ant Home & I Went Home , Im So Tired Nap Time !

Roc Pov -

I Was Over Prod House....We Were All Playing 2K13 ..


Me ; Aye Prince Thats A Foul !

Prod ; *Laughss* Prince Is A Beginner Leave Him Alone...

Prince ; RIGHT !

Prod ; Wait Prince You Keep Blocking Me !

We Kept Playing The Game When My Phone Viberated

Me ; Pause The Game.

I Checked My Phone, It Was A Text From Wassiam .

Wassiam ; Babe Where Are You?

Me ; Prod's....Come Over .

Wassiam ; Mhkay ^.^

8 Minutes Later She Knocked On The Door, Prod Opened It & She Had About 19 Bags.

Prod ; Damn Girl You Bought Lenox?? (High Quality Mall)

Wassiam ; Shut Up !

I Stood Up From The Couch.

Me ; What Happen To 1 Fendi Bag?

Wassiam ; Oh I Got Caught Up.

She Kissed My Cheek & Sat Her Bags Down.

Me ; How Much Did You Spend?

Wassiam ; Only 50...


Wassiam ; Well Yeah I Needed This Stuff Baby !

Me ; Dont You Think You Went Overboard?

Wassiam ; NO ! Im Tired Of You Saying Im Going Overboard I Deserve Designer Bags & Shoes !

Ray ; Wassiam Calm Down...

Me ; Look Baby Im Sorry.....I Just Didnt Know You Were Buying All Of This . You Do Deserve It (:

I Smiled & Kissed Her Cheek, She Smiled Back.

Wassiam ; Im Sorry For Yelling, But I Got You Something !

She Went In One Of The Bags & Pulled Out A Polo Belt

Me ; Awww Thanks Babe I Love You

Wassiam ; Love You Too Chres ....Try It On !

I Put It Around My Waist , It Fit Perfectly ! I Smiled & Kissed Her .

Prod ; Okay Nice Seeing You Wassiam Get Out My House

She Rolled Her Eyes & Left .

Me ; I Love That Girl

Boys ; She Dont Love You !

Me ; What ?

Boys ; Nothing .

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