" Prom Night "

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( I changed it, YN has her own house instead of apartment )


Tonights the night. I had on white dress with a open back and no sleeves. It had a flair bottom with ruffles. I had my hair curled down and had on some silver heels. My makeup was done by the best, and my hair. I had the guys dates with me. India, Paris, and Shania.

India had on a baby blue short dress with silver stones by the chest . She had on black heels with black makeup, her black long hair was bone straight.

Paris had on a black short dress with sleeves and zippers, it was kinda cute since she was gothic. She had on black flats and her makeup was black too. He hair was cut so it was spiked .

Shania had a short pink dress with jewels on the chest and pink and silver heels, her long hair was curled to the side and her makeup was pink too.

We looked beautiful.

I made Chres and the guys leave. They can't see there dates yet. So there all over Ray's house.

Me ; Well clean up well huh?

Paris ; Sure do, does anyone have earrings?

India ; I have silver.

Paris ; I'll take them.

India gave her the earrings.


I'm so nervous, I keep sweating through my tux and my head is sweating so my hair is getting more curler. This is horrible. I kept pacing and tapping my feet. Craig walked pass tying his tie.

Craig ; Chres are you okay?

Me ; Nah man. I'm nervous as hell.

Craig ; Why?

Me ; It's prom ! Everything has to be perfect !

Craig ; & it is if you just chill.

He's right, I just need to finish getting ready and calm down.

I got up from the couch and grabbed my tie.

Jacob was fluffing his Afro and Ray was re-braiding his braid.

Craig ; You guys ready?

Ray ; One more braid.

Jacob ; One more fluff.

Me ; One more knot.

I finished tying my tie and put on my shoes.

Craig ; I look like a moonwalker.

We all laughed.

Me ; Do you guys think I look spiffy?

Ray ; Sure Chres now let's go.

We walked to the limo Jacob ordered and got inside, " Headband " by BOB filled the air. I pulled down my phone and scrolled down my newsfeed. Nothing new. I went on twitter and made a couple tweets, and i got some subs back and mentions.

@Royal3R - Prom night!

@Royal3R - Super nervous!

@Royal3R - Riding in the limo now!

@Nala_Wayans - RT " Prom Night! "
Is Jacob with you?

I retweeted her and replied @Nala_Wayans - Yup!

@Phreiaa - RT "Prom Night! "
Be safe bro!

I retweeted her and replied @Phrehiaa - Fashoo!

@Beautiful_W - Favorited "Riding in the limo now! "
Without me? Your REAL lover?

I rolled my eyes and replied.

@Beautiful_W - Aren't you in jail?

Craig ; Were here.

I looked up, there was YN's house. I signed as we got out the limo. I grabbed the flowers and the prom flower.


We did our finishing touching when my phone viberated. It was a text from Chres.

" We're here. "

I replied back.

" You have your key right? Come in. "

Couple seconds later i heard the front door open and close.

Me ; That's them girls !

India ; Let's walk downstairs in a line.

Shania ; Line?

India ; You'll see, Paris you first.

Paris walked downstairs slowly. Me, Shania, and India peeked from the top of the steps. Jacob smiled and hugged Paris.

Jacob ; You look great Paris.

Paris ; You too.

She kissed his cheek.

Shania ; Okay go India.

India slowly walked down the stairs smiling. Ray widen his eyes and cheesed hella hard. He grabbed her hand and kissed it.

Ray ; You look beautiful.

India ; Thanks Ray.

They hugged.

Shania ; Guess that's me.

She slowly walked down the stairs, Craig face was straight. He never smile. Shania looked worried since he didn't show any emotion. When she got to the bottom of the stairs Craig grabbed her hand and walked toward the door. He pecked her cheek. That was awkward.

I guess it's my turn, I'm nervous but I'm ready. I slowly walked downstairs. Not looking at anyone but the stairs. When I got to the bottom I looked at Chresanto. His eyes widen and he dropped the flowers. I chuckled and hugged him.

Chres ; You look great.

Me ; You too.

Ray ; Snapshot!

He quickly took a off guard picture off his camera. We laughed.

Jacob ; Oh yeah

He grabbed the arm flower and put it around Paris arm. It was a black flower, and it looked dead. It was kinda wierd. The guys put the arm flowers around the girls arms.

After that we heard a horn beep.

Craig ; That's the limo driver, he gotta get going.

Ray ; Oh right.

They all walked by the door.

Shania ; You coming YN?

Me ; You guys go, I'll be there in a second.

Shania ; K.

They all walked to the limo, now it was me and Chres.

I hugged his neck and he grabbed my waist.

Me ; You know I'm really thankful to have you.

Chres ; I know.

We kissed softly.

Chres ; I got you something.

He pulled a black box out his pocket.

Me ; What is it?

Chres ; Open if and see.

I slowly opened the box, there I saw a all gold necklace that said " Faith " . The " i " was dotted with a gold diamond. It was beautiful.

Me ; Chres I love it.

Chres ; I love you ..... now put it on

I put it on and admired it.

Me ; I love you too.

I quickly pecked his lips and we walked to the limo.


We walked inside the school, it was a "Over The Seas" theme. It was blue and white everywhere. On one side on the room it was 3 dolphins in water. They were swimming with a couple fishes. The other side was the food and the cake. The other side was where the stage was and a fake dolphin was the disco ball. Lastly it was the stage, which was like a tank with a lot of goldfishes at the bottom swimming. It was beautiful. Jacob and Paris went by the dolphins. Craig and Shania went by the food and India and Ray walked to the stage to dance.

Me and Chres sat at a table for a mintue.

Me ; Let's take a couple pictures for the gram.

We took a lot of pictures, we uploaded some and went on the dance floor.

Jacob & Paris

Me and Paris was feeding the dolphins, she looked excited and happy. She's perfect for me.

Me ; So Paris wanna go dance?

Paris ; One second. This dolphin loves me.

She laughed and I did too.

Me ; Okay well, I'm gonna get some punch.

I walked to the punch table but accidentally knocked someone down.

Me ; Oh I'm sorry! I didn't see you there.

I helped the girl up.

? ; Fucking prick.

Me ; Excuse me? I said I apologize !

? ; You must not recognize me Jacob.

I widen my eyes.

Me ; Rachel ?

Craig and Shania

Shania was eating her chicken wing with a fork.

Me ; What's the fork for?

Shania ; I don't wanna get my outfit dirty.

Me ; Oh.

I ate my spaghetti and looked around, I'm kinda nervous to be around Shania. I really like her but I don't know if she feels the same.

Shania ; So Craig, who was your last girlfriend?

I wasn't looking at her, I was just eating my food.

Me ; Her name is Khera. She was too much for me.

Shania ; Really ? How ?

Me ; She was bossy and over protective so I broke up with her.

Shania ; Oh , we'll do you still talk to her?

Me ; Nah, she's old news.

Shania ; You should.

I stopped eating my food and looked at her, she was looked dead in my eyes.

Me ; Why?

Shania ; Do you even know how she feels?

Me ; No and I could careless.

Shania ; Maybe she's hurt.

Me ; Okay? We broke up months ago.

Shania ; She still has feelings.

Me ; Why do you care?

Shania ; Im a caring person.

Me ; Well you should stop caring about something that doesn't concern you.

Ray and India

" Adorn " by Miguel filled the air, me and India was close together staring in each others eyes. She was so beautiful and fun. She's perfect for me.

India ; You know Ray, your really fun to be around.

Me ; Thanks.

India ; No problem, we should hang out more.

Me ; I agree.

I smiled.

We slowly danced close together still, perfect timing to ask her out.

Me ; So India, wanna be my girl?

India ; Sure Ray.

She kissed my cheek . I smiled hard.

Next thing you know, " Do Ny Dance " by Tyga played.

Chres Pov

I was talking to YN when she cut me off so quickly.

Me ; What?

YN ; Let's dance!

She ran to the dance floor and I ran after her, " Do My Dance " was playing I laughed lightly.

Me ; Are you sure you wanna dance to this - (*GCO*)

Before I could finish my sentence YN started twerking on me. I was shocked, YN thick and all. But I didn't know she could twerk ! She was moving that booty to well! I was kinda getting a boner, I was enjoying it. She kept going non-stop. Next thing I knew, a spotlight was on us. That's when YN got more excited and started going harder and faster. My lord she was feeling herself, but I like it.


I was laughing so hard, YN was going crazy on Chres. She was working it tho 😏 I mean like damn . But that's Roc girl and I have India, and I'm pretty sure India can do the same thing. After YN and Chres was finish dancing they shared a long kiss. There perfect for each other.

After Prom


The girls was over my house again, Ray said we were going to Applebee's so we have to get ready.

I had on some gray sweats, white crop top , and some gray and white grapes. I put on my gray sweater and put my hair in a ponytail. I took off my makeup and sat on the floor.

India had on some black highwaisted pants, gray crop top, and orange KD's she had on a gray fitted hat and her hair was still straight. Half of her makeup was removed.

Paris had on some black pants, black shirt and some black doc martans. She kept on her black makeup and kept her hair spiked.

Shania had on some yellow shorts, black shirt and some black doc martans . Her hair was in a curly bun and she took off her makeup.

Me ; So, while we wait on the guys how did everyone's night go?

We all sat in a circle on the floor.

India ; Great! Me and Ray are together.

I gasped and playfully punched her arm.

Me ; Shut up!

India ; Im serious!

Me ; Awesome ! What about you Paris?

Paris ; I was just with the dolphins all night.

Shania ; Why?

Paris ; There cool!

Me ; Well my night was fantastic. Chres is bomb, I love him.

India ; Aw . I hope me and Ray relationship last like yours and Chresanto's. You guys are strong!

Me ; Yas!

Paris ; What about you Shania?

Shania ; I think Craig hates me.

Me ; What? Why?

Shania ; All I did was ask about his ex. Then he told me to stop caring about things that don't concern me. Then he was avoiding me the whole night!

India ; Who was his ex?

Me ; Khera, but it's okay Shania . I'll talk to him.

Shania ; Thanks, because I really like him.

Then we heard a car horn.

India ; That's the guys.


Sorry It Took Me So Long To Upload This Chapter.

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How You Feel Bout Dis Chappie?

Oh Yeah. This Story Over In About 4 More Chapters, But Theres Gonna Be A Sequel ! Just Gimme Time.

Thanks For All The Votes🌚

I'm Gonna Call You Guys My SpiffyTrenders Okay? 🌝

Love You!

Check Out @LaBobbbiQuisha Page Too 😂😂

Oh Yeah If Your Wondering What A Arm Flower Is Its That Flower You Wear As A Bracelet During Prom, I Don't Know What's It Called !

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