" Boyfriend . "

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" Wanna go to Fridays or something? " Lisa asked while pulling off the school parking lot.

I signed, " No thanks. "

" Why? "

I looked at her & smacked my teeth, " Your just a friend. "

She looked puzzled, " So friends cant go to lunch anymore? "

I rolled my eyes.

" Something is up with you anthony. " She said with a suspisous look on her face.

" How Lisa " I replied .

" Everytime we around smoke you wanna flirt & shit but behind closed doors you act like a ass! " She barked.

She stopped at a red light, " Lisa i act the same way around both of you girls okay? " I said calmly.

She looked at her unpainted finger nails , " I think your using me to make smoke jealous. " she said softly.

" What? " I yelled. " Lisa shut the hell up with all of that. "

She looked at me with shock in her eyes, " Get out my car. " she said low.

" What thot? "


I was froze, but fuck her. She stopped the car and i got out the passager's seat. She drove off, i can walk myself home. Bitch.


Qua grabbed my waist and kissed my plump lips, owe .

" Nawt in public babe. " I whispered. I bit my lip, " Wait until we go to my place. "

He let my waist go as we walked in the Fendi store. I looked at purses and belts, until i saw the perfect shoes. They had gold soles, and pink glitter. 12 inch heel too .

I glared at suprise, " OMG babe i want these! " I squealed.

Qua flipped the shoe over to look at the pricetag, " 6,000 dollars? Wassiam im not buying these. " He said with his southern accent.

I flared my nose, " Im your girlfriend Jaqua. You suppose to buy me anything i want ! " i barked.

He scoffed , "Not if it's over 50 dollars." 50 dollars? He's so cheap!

" Cheapscake! " I yelled, " 50 dollars wont even buy me my Bad Gal Riri lipstick collection! "

He shrugged his shoulders. " I don't care , your to high . Don't you have a budget ? "

Thats when fire burned through my eyes, seriously? Budget ? " Qua were over. " I said calmly, " & im keeping your dad's bank account info. "

I walked out the store & out the mall. Why the hell would i date that cheap guy?


I blushed hella hard, Roc just told me he wanted me. But i cant fall in his traps.

" You dont mean that. " I said low, " You still have bomb ass feelings for Wassiam . "

He lightly laughed, " No i dont Smoke. I want you. Just like how you said you want me, no joke. "

" So basically you said that because i said it first? " I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, " Kinda "

I rolled my eyes & smacked my teeth, " I want you to want me Chresanto. Not because i said it first. "

" But i do. " He pleaded. " I really do want you. " .

I blushed and started up my car, i cant fall in Chresanto's arms though. He turned up the radio, "Another Country" came on by Future. He started bobbing his head.

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