" Gold Digger 2 . "

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I Woke Up To My Alarm Clock On My Phone, I Turned It Off & Hesitated Out Of Bed. I Took A Shower, Brushed My Teeth, Washed My Face, & Wet My Hair. Cause When I Wet It , It Becomes Curly. I Put On Some Highwaist Bleached Shorts, A Purple Crop Top, & Put On My Grapes. I Took A Picture & Put It On Instagram. I Grabbed My iPhone & Texted Ant .

Me ; Need A Ride?

Ant ; Yeah My Mom Is Tripping.

I Went Downstairs, My Mom Was Cooking Toast.

Me ; Goodmorning Mom

Mom ; Morning Baby

Me ; I'm Almost Late For School So See Ya Later

Mom ; No Toast ?

Me ; No Thanks ...

I Went In My Car & "L.O.V.E" By Rocko Filled The Air.

Me ; I Love Swimming In You Baby Drown Me .. ( I Sang )

I Picked Up Ant, He Had On Some Black Sweats, A Orange Hoodie , & His KD's .

Ant ; Wassup

Me ; Nothing

I Turned Back Up The Radio, Me & Ant Started To Rap Along.

Me ; I Luh To Finger F-ck Ha, When I Met Her She Was Short I Got To Watch Her Grow... ( Song )

Ant ; We Been Together For So Long She Only Love I Know .. (Song )

Us ; You Know How To Treat Me..That's Why I Love U Baby U Complete Me ! ( Song )

About 15 Minutes Later We Was In The School Parking Lot, We Got Out The Car & Met Up With Amanda, Asia, & Khera .

Me ; Wassup Girls ..

Asia ; Hey

Amanda ; Hay

Khera ; Sup

We All Started Walking Towards My Locker , I Walked Pass Qua Locker...He Was Standing There Flirting With Some Girl....F*ck Her, I Cut Her Off.

?? ; So Qua You Know I --

Me ; Whatup Bro

Qua ; Aye Whats Good Smoke !

Me ; What's Been Up?

Qua ; Chilling

?? ; We Were Talking !

Me ; Who Gives Any F*cks ?

She Was On Hush mode . About 20 Minutes Later I Interuppted Him.

Qua ; Yea So Smoke I Been Just --

Me ; Aye Qua Yo Girl Keep Rolling Ha Eyes & Huffing At Me Whats Wrong With Her?

Qua ; Oh Yeah Smoke This My Friend Wassiam .

Wassiam ; Smoke ?

Me ; Wassiam ?

I Turned Around .

Me ; Aye Ant Come Here

He Walked By Me .

Ant ; Wassup.

Me ; This Wassiam ..

I Pointed To Her.

Wassism ; Your Cute !

Ant ; Aint She With Roc ?

Me ; Yeah..

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