" Her Plan . "

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I came through the entrance , Megan & Flora was waiting by the door.

Flora - Wassiam !

Me - What Flora ?

Megan - We have a problem ...

Me - What?

Flora - YN isnt buying it ..

My eyes popped out of my socket.

Me - What do you mean? Where is she? Where's Chres?

Megan - YN told us she dont need our help. She can do it herself.

Flora - And we saw them walking into Myles house.

Megan - Plus, she said our mamas lost!

Me and Flora looked at her.

Me - You really are a dumb blonde.

I walked towards Myles, he was playing with the beachball in the pool.

Me - Myles Brown!

He jumped up and looked at me.

Myles - Oh, wassup Wassiam.

Me - Where's your bathroom?

Myles - The porta potty is over there by the basketball rim.

Me - Porta potty? I need a real bathroom.

He signed and got out the pool.

Myles - Follow me.

We walked inside his house

Myles - Upstairs last door to the right

Me - Okay.

He went back out the door, i hurried and put my bags down to search for Chresanto and YN. I checked in the living room, wasnt there. I checked in Myles room, wasnt there. They wasnt in the bathroom or the kitchen. I checked in Myles little brother room, wasnt there. I cant find them any where!

I was about to leave back out the house until i heard smooches, i giggeled and followed the sound. It was coming from the closet, i tried to open the door but it was locked . I smiled, i gotta plan. I started to fake cry .

Me - Chresanto, Chresanto! Open the door Chres!

The door unlocked

Chresanto- What Wassiam?

Me - Im having a horrible time! My dad died earlier and worst of all .. im pregant !


My eyes widen, i feel betrayed. Wassiam is pregnant?

Chresanto looked shocked too.

Chres - What do you mean? Wassiam we never even had sex!

Wassiam - Remeber the night at Grad's hotel party?

Chres didnt say anything.

She grabbed his neck and hugged it, but he wasnt hugging back.

Wassiam - I need all the love and affection i can get right now!

Chres - Dont worry Wassiam, im gona be in our baby life.

I started to tear up, they looked at me hugging eachother.

Chres - YN i didnt know.

Me - I'll let you guys talk ... im leaving.

Chres - Wait YN..

I walked out the house back to the backyard, i wasnt gonna leave Myles party so i sat at the bar.

Me - Margarita extra sugar .

He nodded his head and gave me my drink. I sipped it looking at the ground, blondie & redhead sat next to me.

Falon - We told ya

Megan - Yeah, we told ya.

Me - Shut up

I sipped my drink and i felt a tear drop down my face.

Me - Why me?

The Flora patted my back.

Flora - It's okay, it was for the best.

Huh? The hell. I jumped up.

Me - For the best? FUCK YOU MEAN! I bet you had something to do with this didnt you!

Megan jumped back in shock and so did Flora.

Megan - We didnt have anything to do with this Yn!

Flora - We tried to help you!

Me - I dont want your help, you guys are not slick. I saw yall waiting by the entrance door, why?

Megan - We was waiting for Wassiam.

Flora punched her arm.

Flora - No , we was waiting on my mom to bring us our right size bikini .

Me - What the fuck ever

I was so pissed, these popcorn hoes was with Wassiam instead of against her all along. Then they tried to set me up? Oh no. Wassiam is gonna pay. I ran in the house back to the closet to see Wassiam blushing and Chres rubbing her stomach. I picked her up by her glued in tracks and dragged her across the living room.


Me - No your trying to ruin my life you bitch!

I contiuned punching her.

Wassiam - FLORA ... MEGAN .. GET HER!

Flora and Megan was just standing there, I pulled Wassiam up the stairs. Her head was pounding against each step.


I pulled her to the top of the stairs.

Me - Im not letting her get away with this Chresanto! It's me or her!

I wasnt stopping, kept hitting her.

Chresanto - Her.

My whole body stopped and froze. I let go Wassiam weave as she fell down the 40 stairs. I slowly walked down the stairs like i was possesed.

Me - You chose her over me?

I was so hurt and heartbroken.

Me - After all i did for you these past months?

Chresanto - She's fraigle!

Me - & I got you a job!

Chresanto - I can quit.

I walked closer to him and whispered in his ear

Me - Then you wont have money for your broke ass babymomma or ya baby. Go on walfare and die.

I walked out the house and walked home. It was almost 4 miles away but it was worth more than him taking me home. He is nothing to me anymore, just plain old Craig's friend again.


I got my ass beat, but atleast I got Chres! He chose me over the blueberry ! How exciting.

Me - Im sorry Chresanto for ruining your relationship.

He didnt do anything. Just sat in the days . I signed and walked towards Flora and Megan.

Megan - Hows your plan?

Wassiam - It's not going how i want it to be, i have to think of something else better.

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