Chapter Seven - Meeting Ino-Shika-Cho on the Battlefield

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Picture of Zaku, Kin, and Dosu ----->


After a decent sleep in a tree (a delicacy considering the present situation), Hana came out of her hiding place and scouted the different chakra sources in the area. Her longest range was from about the Hyuga compound to the Hokage Tower, which was quite far, and like one who uses the Byakugan, she can sense the chakra coming from all directions. A good number of them have started to move around, but some stayed in the same place. About five teams were identified, maybe a few solo ninja wandering around as well.

Judging by their movements, chances were that dawn was already upon them. Since she trained herself rigorously, the young Hyuga often woke up around dawn. Her body was conditioned to wake up then, a nice advantage in survival exams such as this. Hana decided not to go after the teams around her as they were mostly from Konoha and one of them was Neji-sama. Despite her respect and admiration for the Hyuga prodigy, the thought of meeting with him always left a sour taste in her mouth.

Suddenly, Team Sound moved closer towards Team Seven. A confrontation will surely arise… and by the looks (or more like the feel) of it. Both the Uzumaki and the Uchiha were unconscious, but due to the distance, she couldn't tell their exact condition. There was another person heading their way, also from Konoha… It felt quite weak but the pattern… It must be one of Neji-sama's teammates.

Hana knew that she probably shouldn't interfere since her teammates needed her safe and well in order to pass the Exam. She'll keep watch until she deems it too dangerous for her comrades. Furthermore, they could use the experience. Also, she was a good distance away from them so even if she hurried there, the fighting would have already began for a while so she would go at a normal pace. No sense in wasting energy.

Meanwhile, Team Ten was nearing the battlefield and they'll probably find out about it soon. Although the Nara and the other one… Oh, yes, Akimichi. Well, they won't try to interfere, but the Yamanaka girl was a Sasuke fan, if Hana remembered correctly, and chances were that she will at least drag the others nearer to that location if only just to make sure that her 'Sasuke-kun' was alright. Also, Lee-san has already interfered and was fighting against opponents he doesn't have a chance to defeat, especially not the three of them. Neji-sama and his other teammate were also heading in that general direction, probably to look for Rock Lee.

At the speed she was going, she'll be there a bit before them though. Hopefully, no one will get too hurt. Never mind, it seemed that Lee was already starting to go through whatever torture the Sound nin are planning for him. At this rate, especially with their sound attacks (no offense, but it was really obvious), the four of them will die. The Sound nin were ruthless and quite cruel when they want to be. Hana had felt it in their aura earlier. A change of plans was necessary.

Lee was taken down by the one who punched Yakushi before and Haruno was fighting, despite her obviously weakened condition. The other two Sound nin and Team Ten were just there, watching, and Haruno's teammates have yet to wake up. This is really bad. Hana picked up her speed and seemed like a passing blur as she headed to the fight. After all, as a Konoha-nin, no, as a villager from Konoha, she had the duty to protect and help out her comrades, right? Although she barely knew anything about them, other than what she heard through the walls and the ventilator, she had to help them. That was part of what being a Hyuga was about and already, she knew that she held less value than an average Hyuga. She must not disappoint her clan, nor her village.

Lee's chakra was very low and lowering with each passing moment. As for Haruno, she was held still by the Sound girl. Things were looking very bad. But… Hn. It would seem that Haruno has finally decided to act like a ninja this time. Hana could almost 'see' the battle. Those Sound nin shouldn't underestimate Konoha-nin, kunoichi or not. In fact, those are probably the ones they should look out for. A tiny smirk graced itself on Hana's face. She doesn't know why, but she's glad and a bit proud of that girl she considered an annoying and useless Genin. Could she be starting to become attached? No, she isn't. She is just glad that Haruno can prove the Sound ninja wrong about Konoha kunoichi since she is one of them for now.

Her joy was short-lived, with Haruno being pounded on. The Hyuga can hear it clearly. Team Ten were also nearby, but they haven't seen her yet. It was time to enter the scene. A couple of kunai and shuriken were in her hands and they headed towards the nin who were still standing as Hana summoned a katana and cut the arm of the one who was beating Haruno up.

Both let go, one with relief and the second with a scream of pain. Most of the weapons were dodged but the Hyuga heard the sound of metal cutting flesh a few times so they must have sustained some superficial wounds. Just then, the Yamanaka girl appeared with her teammates in front of the Haruno in a defensive formation.


"Heh. Some new weird ones are here now," the most twisted Sound Genin declared.

"Ino…" Haruno must be in a mild-shocked state right now. After all, weren't she and the Yamanaka friends before the whole 'Sasuke-kun' thing began or something?

"Sakura, I promised that I wouldn't lose to you, remember?" The Yamanaka girl gave as an excuse. It didn't change the fact that she came to help Haruno though.

It would have been terrific and all if dark chakra didn't start to pour out of a mark on Uchiha's neck. Seriously, it was so dense that Hana didn't even have to concentrate to see it and the mark.

"What were the two of you thinking?" Akimichi cried out. "These guys are too dangerous!"

"It's troublesome, but we have to do this," Nara explained. "Since Ino revealed herself, us men can't just run away."

"Sorry to get the two of you involved, but we're a three-man team. We do everything together."

"Oh well, whatever happens, happens," Nara shrugged. It seemed that everyone forgot that Hana was there, again. Not that she wasn't used to it. She'll just help out when they need it then.

"No! I don't want to die yet!" Akimichi screamed. "Let go of my muffler!"

"Shut up! Stop moving!" Nara was starting to get annoyed. Personally, Hana thought that even if he said that fighting was troublesome, he really thinks otherwise.

"You can run if you want," the Sound guy who hit Haruno laughed. "Fatty."

The Hyuga heard ears twitch. "Just now, what did that person say?" So it was Akimichi. "I couldn't hear him too well."

"I said that you can run to the woods if you want… You fat ass!"

Seconds ticked by, "I am not fat! I'm big-boned!" an angry voice retorted. "Hurray for big-boned people!" Chakra seemed to pour off of him like water does when a dam is broken. "Okay! You two understand that it's a fight between Konoha and Sound, right?" She could've sworn that she felt fire coming from him… was it just her imagination? Yamanaka seemed pleased though.

"Geez, this is going to be so troublesome." His aura definitely said otherwise.

"That's our line." (Let's just call him Oto-2 from here, okay) Oto-2 said sincerely although he seemed more annoyed than anything.

"Sakura," Yamanaka called, "take care of those two. Alright! Team Ino is going to go with everything they've got!"



Seems like the fight is going to get a bit interesting. By the way, since it is Hana's POV, she won't refer to the others by their names until she's learned them, which can turn out to be quite troublesome…

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