Chapter Three

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The next day, everything went as planned right after you showered. Toriel, for some odd reason, wanted to cut your hair, but he said it would hang out and they'd know you were a girl, so she cut your hair. You sighed. How long will you have to go along with this? She said the cloak will hide your face and she gave you male clothing. The shirt had to be baggy so they couldn't see your chest.
"Let's go," Toriel said. Everyone headed off to the Papyrus guy's house. You arrived and the house was pretty nice. Toriel knocked on the door and a skeleton opened it. He was a bit short, but you weren't any taller. Beside him was a taller skeleton.
"Welcome Toriel, Frisk, and...." He trailed off with your name.
"Jade. His name is Jade." Toriel finished. Well, y/n, you are Jade for as long as you stay.
"Well, come in then. Papyrus made spaghetti for us."
Everyone headed inside. You awkwardly sat on their couch. The skeletons looked at you with interest. You could have sworn you sweat dropped.
"Does he do anything?" The short skeleton asked.
"Yes, but he's shy and doesn't speak much. He's very talented. He is also a good listener," Toriel said, eating her spaghetti. You weren't hungry, nor did Toriel give you gloves to cover your HUMAN hands.
"DON'T BE SHY JADE. I'M PAPYRUS AND THIS IS MY BROTHER SANS." The tall skeleton grinned. If that was even possible. You nodded and turned away. You felt a blush come to your cheeks as you suddenly got butterflies.
You heard a knock at the door. Toriel offered to open the door. You almost gasped when you saw who it was. It was your friend, Jacob. Papyrus and Sans looked at each other.
"Where is she? Where is y/n?" Jacob asked. He held a sword. In your entire life, you've never seen him possess such thing. Where the hell did he get it? You needed one. He then looked at you and pulled off your hood.
"Y/N what happened to your hair?" The skele-brothers gasped. You blushed. Welp, you guys are in trouble.
"Jacob! Now we have to run! Things were going great. I would have made it home...." You whispered into his ear. He flushed.
"Well, have a good evening!" Jacob said, grabbing your arm and getting ready to run. Someone grabbed your hand. You turned around and it was Sans. One of his eyes were blue.
Toriel blocked the door and she ordered us to sit down.
"Look, I didn't mean to rattle your bones, but it would be nice to let us go," Jacob said. Oh lord, here comes his puns. Sans and Toriel looked at each other and started laughing. You questioned this.
"Maybe i can spare you two...." Sans said, in between laughs. You sighed in relief. You didn't have to wear that stupid cloak.
"Y/N, I think you look good with short hair," Jacob blushed. You blushed as well.
"We are going to have to hide you from Undyne." Toriel sighed. Undyne sounds like undying. She must be scary...."Not to mention I told her you were a guy, y/n," Toriel mentioned.
You stared at each other nervously. Sans and Papyrus looked at you. Did they not trust you?

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