Part 2

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 At last, Halloween came and Ana was helping me complete my fairy makeup. The blue and purple winged gave me a strange sense of confidence, plus the fact that Ana said that it make my skin "glow".

Ana was something different every year, animal wise. Surprisingly, she wanted something somewhat gory. I was so used to the sexual turn on animals, that to see a voodoo doll was a surprise. It wasn't as short as her past animal suits.

After the long make up session, we headed out to Luke's house, awaiting scares, candy, and music. I got so much more.

We arrived and the house was blasting a remix of monster mash. Ana winked at me and took my hand guiding me inside. Luke, dressed as a vampire, grinned with his fake fangs and walked towards me.

"You are a sight to behold," He smirked down at me while wrapping his hands around my waist. I blushed madly and nodded, lost for words. Calum walked towards Ana, dressed as a mad scientist. Quickly, they made their way to the dance floor.

The night was going well, but Michael was nowhere to be found. He never told us his costume idea either. The good time suddenly ended when a blood curdling scream echoed through the house, causing all the guests to stop in their tracks. Ana came running with blood dripping from her dress and hands.

"Help! S-some one please!" She let out shocked shrieks that were difficult to decipher. Quickly I ran over and tried to calm her down, Luke trailing behind me worriedly. I grabbed her arm in attempt to calm her down.

"What happened?" Through tears she answered me.

"C-Calum and I were going to a room and it got all dark and I heard this voice and some guy with blood on his face and black eyes came and just-" She broke down again. I gave her a hug, ignoring the blood that stained my blue costume.

"What happened to Calum?" Ana wiped her tears with her messy red hands and whispered painfully.

"He's dead."

The whole room gasped, even pain seemed to strike Luke. Calum was his best friend, and to have him mysteriously murdered at his house, was appalling.

"What did the man do?"

"He grabbed his throat and pushed him into the bed. H-his head hit the bed frame and his head started to bleed. Then before I could stop him, he- he put a knife through his throat."

Cries fell out of some girls' mouthes while others just gasped continuously. Boys, despite their manliness, started to tear up in loss of their bro.

I blinked, still in shock. Quickly, one of the jocks grabbed Patricia and laid her down so she would start to become calm. I looked over at Luke, who's vampire makeup was smearing from his tears. He sniffled and wrapped me in a tight hug. Suddenly, Luke pulled away harshly, rage in his eyes.

"I'm going to find out who did this. And they're going to pay." 

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