Day 41

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Hey, little girl
How lucky you are

You have your eyes glistening with bliss
While I have my eyes glistening with sadness

I miss the times when my only problem is not having lollies
For it was better than having my heart empty.

You wake up, play, sleep, and do it again.
While I wake up, mourn, cry to sleep and the cycle is the same.

You play Princess with mom and dad
But I play Poker with a joker who is mad.

Life can be ruthless
But life is worthy.

Dear little girl,
Enjoy your youth

For when you grow up,
You'll realize that not all villains have the worst faces.
And not all superheroes are tall, dark and handsome.

Who's celebrating her birthday today? Hahahaha. /le sings Happy Birthday to myself. ~

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