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We have reached the point where the sea and ocean meets.

My Daily Pill being the sea, and Overdosed being the ocean.

I've got three points to discuss in this part.

a) Words of Gratitude

b) How I was inspired to make My Daily Pill

c) Overdosed

First point:

Hey reader! Thank you for bearing with my emotions (poems.) I never thought that this would make it this far (this is already far for me.) Thank you for voting, or just reading and swiping to the next page, and for commenting. Those were very much appreciated! Thank you again, and I am hoping to see you in the sequel.

To those people who updated some parts when I don't have internet connection, thank you. erickapresto CccJjj7, love you both.

Second point:

It was just a boring afternoon during our lunch break when Day 1 (remember Rosaline?) was created. I pitied Rosaline so much that I thought of what she felt when Romeo fell in love with Juliet instantly. It was supposed to be a one-shot, but it would be another waste. Hahaha. So I just decided to make a poem EVERYDAY so that I'll have at least one book finished. (I am a frustrated writer. I publish stories and let readers wait for nothing, which is harsh.) You may have noticed that some of my poems are too short, and some are long. Some are non sense, and some are too deep. Well, it depends on how I feel. I could write five poems if I am really depressed. And when I'm really happy, I could barely write one. Weird? Hahaha. I thought so too.

Third point:

So, I have been mentioning this 'OVERDOSED' always. For those who never read my notes, Overdosed will be the next book in the trilogy. You see, I can't just let go My Daily Pill (but I just did.) What I mean is, I can't let go of this hobby. It has become my habit. Every morning, I reach for my phone and press 'publish' then check for notifications in the evening. Three months of being an author of this collection is very life changing (whut.)

I've got everything planned! There will be 'Pills Trilogy.' (or Drugs Trilogy??? this could vary!) Sounds silly, but it is really cute for me. Haha.

Book 1: My Daily Pill

Book 2: Overdosed

Book 3: -----------

I'll post updates about Overdosed here soon! :)



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