Day 12

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This poem is in my Random Tots.

                      Dark Alleys

Roaring thunders
Flash-like lightnings

Dark streets
And abandoned buildings

Her eyes looked straight
Like the line of her fate

Two shadows
Walked toward her

One barely seen
The other had his face glistening

They came closer
As they walked to her path

She did too
Like lines in parallel motion

she was a feet away
from the two shadows

She saw his eyes
Twinkling like Shang's

His eyebrows thick
And his nose high

She can't see his mouth
Though, he said 'hi'

She was taken aback
Knows nothing to do

To look back or straight?
To look straight, she thought

To answer or ignore?
To ignore she did

As minutes passed
A train of regretting thoughts appeared

He couldve been 'him'
But she just let fate and destiny

to make them cross paths
Once again

In a night of roaring thunders;
In a place of dark alleys

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