chapter 11

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"Amanda." Elena says while knocking on the bathroom door.

"Just a second." I wash my hand and dry them then i opened the door." What's up?"

"Get dressed Stefan needs to talk to us." After she said that she walked away.

I walked in my room and slipped my sandles on and ran downstairs.

"Your going like that?"

"What's wrong with it." I was wearing some black sweats and a pink shirt. "I think I look okay, now let's go before I change my mind."

We got in his car and we drove to the boarding.

"Stefan." Elena says as she walks in the house first. " What's she doing here?"

I seen this lady standing by Stefan she was looking at me like she seen a ghost. "Hmm Who's this?"

"This is Rose she is here to help us ." Stefan says.

She kept on looking at me which was freaking me out a lil.

We all walk into the living room Elena sits Damon stands by me with one hand around me. "Dont worry I won't let anything happen to you both." He says then kissed the side of my head.

"Okay, you have to understand I only know what I picked up on over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not true. It's a problem with all this vampire crap, but I do know for a fact Klaus is real." Rose says

"Who's Klaus?" I asked.

"He's one of the originals, he's a legend." Damon answers me

"The first generation of vampire's." Stefan says.

"Like Elijah?" Elena asks.

"No, Elijah is the easter bunny compared to Klaus. He's a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal." Rose says.

"Klaus is known to be the oldest."

"So your saying the oldest vampire in history of time is coming after me." Elena says.

"Yes." Rose says just the same time Stefan says "No."

"Okay so what is it?" I ask.

"What there saying is, I mean if what she's saying is true...." Damon looks at Rose.

"Which it is." Rose says.

"And your not saying this so I don't kill you?" Damon says.

"Which I'm not."

"Then we have a solid maybe." Damon says.

"Look Elijah dead? No one even knows you exist." Stefan says.

"Not that we know of." Rose says." And when Klaus finds out that your twins he will take you too." She looks at me.

"That's not gonna happen." Damon says.

"Look, I never met anyone who laid eyes on him. I mean, we're talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction. We don't know if he's real. For all we know he could just be some stupid bed time story." Stefan says.

"He's real and he doesn't give up if he wants something, he gets it. If your not afraid of Klaus, then your an idiot. Your crazy if you think you can kill Klaus." Rose says.

I started walking towards the front door. "Amanda where are you going? " Damon asks me.

"I'm not gonna hear this lil story any more."

Elena gets up and grabs her things. "Where are you going? " Stefan asks.

"School I'm gonna be late."

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