Chapter 2 [Jaz]

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- buzzzz buzzzz -

Hearing my phone vibrating I ease my arm from around Esh and grab it from under the pillow behind me. Seeing Reds name flash across the screen I smile before reading the message. I lay my phone down and try to get out the bed without waking Esh up but it doesn't work. She rolls over and grabs me before I can turn over.

" where you going baby? " she asks in her soft groggy voice.

" Red wants me to go shopping with her. " I respond before kissing her forehead

" mmm well be sure to get you something to wear for dinner at my parents this weekend. " she says before rolling back over to her original position.

Fuck ! I forgot all about dinner this weekend. How the hell am I going to get out of this one?! I feel another argument coming on. We just made up last night. I'll just wait it out. I need a really good excuse. I stand up and stretch before heading in the shower. As soon as I start to wash up I remember I need to text my boss.

Screaming from the shower , " Babe, do me a favor. Grab my phone and text Shawn. Ask him if he needs me again tonight "

I hear her say something but I'm not sure what. I shrug and start to rinse off. I grab my towel as I'm stepping out the shower and wrap it around my waist and drape one around my neck to cover my chest. As I enter the room I see Esh sitting on the bed shaking her leg with my phone in her hand. I instantly start thinking about what she could of found. I deleted the nudes my ex sent me and the conversation I had with Tiffany from the club. SHIT ! The text Red just sent me. Before I could even ask what's wrong she snaps.

" So when the fuck were you going to tell me about Philly Jazmin ?! Nope! Don't answer that. Better yet were you just going to stand me and my parents up AGAIN for your little girlfriend Red.

I take a deep breath choosing not to go with my initial answer. I head towards the closet in silence until I realize she's following me.

" Don't ignore me Jaz! When were you going to say something ?! " she asks in the closet doorway with her hand on her hip.

" I was going to tell you today Esh. I just didn't feel like arguing again. We just got over an argument. I'm sick of going back and forth with you. I just want to have one day without us arguing. " I shake my head and start getting dressed but she doesn't give up.

" Well maybe you should make time for someone other than RED ! I get it. She's your best friend but DAMN ! I'm supposed to be your woman and you claim to love me but yet the only time I'm sure of that is when you're tongue deep in my pussy ! "

" Are you serious right now Esh ?! She just lost her mother! Am I supposed to let her go through this alone ?! I'm all she has, you know that. " I lick my lips trying not to let my anger get the best of me. I really hate when people make an issue of my relationship with Red like I didn't tell them how close we are before they started dealing with me.

" If you keep this up, she's going to be all you have! When it comes to her its like nothing else matters. How can you love me and want to be with me yet every time I need you to show up you end up with her ?! I think I've been more than understanding ! But when does it stop. When do I get to have you the way she does?! When will you finally show up for me the way you show up for her ?! "

I breathe heavily before putting my shirt on and turning to her, " Are you serious ?! I get you anything you fuxking ask for Esh. We go on dates and I'm working on taking you on vacation ... "

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