He Comes Home Drunk

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You hear faint crashes coming from downstairs "Ah, shit."
Niall's back... and drunk, you realise sighing. You get out of bed and go downstairs to see what's going on and confront Niall.

"Niall?" You say seeing him stood in a pile of glass from picture frames he knocked to the floor. This broke your heart, pictures of you and him, Theo, your parents, friends all shattered on the floor. "Yes." He replied sternly, you were on the other side of the room but you could practically smell the alcohol on his breath. "Why didn't you text that you would be out this late? I was worried sick, Niall!" You said, raising your voice at the last part. It was like a broken record, this happens almost every night recently, you were sick of it. "Oh, I didn't realise my life revolved around you." He spat. It stung hearing that. "It doesn't.." You said, you never get mad at Niall, you were close but he always seemed to make you feel guilty, you'd apologise to him, and you'd both carry on normally. Not this time. "But I was worried, you could've been anywhere, anything could've happened." You say, your voice quiet and shaking. He rolls his eyes. "You're so dramatic y/n, I'm fine aren't I?" He huffs.

"Yeah, but that's not the point.." You say, holding back the tears. You hate when Niall is drunk like this, he can make you feel so horrible. That warm feeling you got when you first met was back except it wasn't a feeling of happiness and peace it was anger and hurt. "Well, what is the point?!" He slurs barging past you to go upstairs. You'd had enough, you'd hit your breaking point. "Niall!" You almost yelled. You turned to face him, shooting a harsh glare. You'd got his attention, finally. "Why do you come home drunk and make me feel guilty for worrying about you? Do you want me to not care? Because I'm so close to leaving, Niall." You say staring into his eyes so he knows you're dead serious.

"Go then." He said harshly and stormed upstairs, slamming the door. You stood there, speechless. A little part of you wanted to run upstairs, apologise and fall to sleep in his arms. But most of you was sick of everything, you grabbed a backpack and took some clothes off the drying rack shoving them in. You took your phone charger, car keys, phone, and a picture of you and your dad off the floor. You left the key for your shared house on the kitchen table, you were too mad to leave a note. With that, you slammed the door and got into your car. You saw the bedroom light turn on but you didn't stay to see if Niall came after you, you didn't once look back. You drove off, not even knowing where to.

You found yourself at your best friend, Emma's house. She didn't even have to ask what was wrong when she saw your tear stained face. She pulls you into a hug and lets you sleep in the spare room for the night. You couldn't stop thinking about Niall. You missed him, but you were fuming right now.

You think it's over for good this time..

"Y/n?" Emma said turning on the light of her spare room. You begin to remember what happened last night and groan. "Someone's here to see you." She said, leaving the room which revealed a sad, hungover Niall stood at the door. You glanced up at him, not saying a word. "Y/n," He said, shuffling closer. You nod looking down to the floor. "Y/n, I'm sorry." Niall said, trying to catch eye contact with you. You looked out the window and sighed. "I didn't mean anything I said," he continued, "I'm lucky to have someone who cares, you were right anything could've happened, you have every reason to hate me."

"I don't hate you, Niall." You say finally make eye contact with him, you could tell he had been crying. "I promise, I won't ever treat you like that again, you know I love you." He said.

"I love you too." This made him smile.

"I'll never mistreat you again."

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