He cheats

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It had been going on for a while now, he'd always be back late, barely giving you a glance when he came home. You were trying your best to stay strong, you just felt lonely all the time.

You hear the door open and you sigh as Niall walks in to your apartment, giving you a slight nod. His hair was messy and his shirt was slightly unbuttoned, but you thought nothing of it. Obviously you miss how you guys used to be, but after a few hours of googling you came to the conclusion that it's normal after the 3 year mark for things to be a little rough, you've just got to give it time. He went straight to bed, he slept in the spare room, no explanation why. You guys hadn't spoken properly for 3 weeks. Not a conversation that wasn't awkward.

You wanted to dig to the root of the problem, was it you? Had you done something wrong?

The next day you woke up, you must've fallen asleep on the sofa. Sighing, you tied up your hair and left the clothes you were wearing yesterday on because you really weren't in the mood. You went in the kitchen to do some washing up, when Niall's phone caught your attention. He had left it on the counter.

You didn't want to be 'that' girlfriend so you left it where it was and continued washing. Until you heard it vibrate. Curiously you peaked over, expecting to see it being one of the guys. But it was from 'Luna', he hadn't mentioned her before. 'Luna: baby, don't come to mine at 9 tonight, Jacks going to be home, we can meet tomorrow instead. Maybe for longer? X' Oh. That's what's been going on? Surely he's better than this.

You threw the plate you were washing back into the sink and quickly dried off your hands, in a mess of tears and bubbles you clambered up the stairs collapsing onto the bed.

You heard Niall come home. Unusual for this time of day. You rolled your eyes through the tears. "Y/n. Have you been on my phone?" He asked, sounding slightly annoyed. "Yes, but I shouldn't be the one explaining myself. Who's Luna!?" You snapped your voice shaking through tears.

The house fell silent.

Typical, your heart is breaking because of him and he doesn't even try to explain himself. You ran downstairs to a nervous Niall running his hands through his hair. You grabbed a jumper and turned around. "You know Niall, if you really didn't love me anymore, could you not of just told me?" You spat. "Instead of making me put up with late nights, waiting for you to come not sure if you were okay." You grumbled as you stormed out, slamming the door behind you.

It wasn't until you got in the car that it hit you. You broke down into tears, your head resting against the wheel and your body shaking uncontrollably. You pulled out and drove to Harry's place, the only place you could think of going. You were on the wrong side of London to any of your friends houses, plus you and Harry had become close when you accompanied them on tour last year.

You knocked on the door, seconds later Harry opened up. "Y/n? Oh, y/n, what's wrong?" He asked. You just sobbed into his chest as he held you. "Is it Niall?" You nodded your head and he led you inside, locking the door behind him. "What happened? Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, gently whilst rubbing your back. You felt comfortable and safe with him, so you decided to tell what happened. "He found someone else." Was all you could bring yourself to say as you continued violently crying. "While you were still together?" He asked, angrily. You nodded.

"3 years down the drain." You sobbed. "How could he do that to me? I mean, he had been distant but I just thought we would get through it you know? And the worst part is, when I left, he didn't say a word. He didn't even try to stop me." You trembled, appreciating the hug Harry was giving you, cradling you, gently rocking you back and forth.

"I didn't think Niall was capable of such a thing." Harry sighed.

"Neither did I." You reply. Staring off into the distance.

You woke up in the spare room in Harry's house, wrapped in blankets and tissues. Suddenly what happened hit you, and it hit you harder than a truck. You cried into the pillow, just wanting to turn back to before you met Niall.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked, sitting on the end of the bed, giving you a sympathetic smile. "Horrible." You say, not lying to him. "You'll get over this eventually, you just need time to heal." You cry.
"Do you still love him?" He asked, after a pause of silence.
"Yes. I hate myself for it, but I do." You say, burying your head into your hands.

After a few minutes into a hug with Harry you hear banging at the door. Not just knocking, full on whacking at the door. He shoots you a confused look as he goes down to answer the door. You stay curled up in bed, holding one of the pillows and resting your chin on it, quietly sobbing.

"Please, Harry." You hear that familiar voice call frantically. You couldn't lie, you were slightly glad he was here, doesn't mean you were going to forgive him though. Or take him back. "No, Niall. You've caused enough pain already." Harry said, snapping. You'd never heard Harry speak with such a bitter tone. "You don't understand, I need to see her." You hear Niall argue, desperately trying to push past Harry. "Listen," Harry spat, "if you really love her, you would've stayed faithful."
"Just let me explain to her, please." He begged.
"So you can win her back while she's more vulnerable than ever? I don't think so." Harry yelled. "I won't have you hurt her anymore."

You thudded down the stairs to get some breakfast and you saw Niall still pleading with Harry. Niall looked a mess, blonde hair wildly sticking up everywhere, blue eyes blood shot and full of tears and red marks down his cheeks. "Baby!" He called, as he saw you walk past. You ignored him and walked to the kitchen. As much is it stung, you knew it was for the best. Getting out a bowl and pouring some cereal. "Y/n, please, I love you." Why was he making this so damn hard? You know he knows all you want to do right now is run and hug him, but Harry was right. You were vulnerable right now. It's time to start thinking with your head and not your heart.

You walked over to the door, his eyes lit up. "I don't want to see you ever again, you hear me?" You say, harshly and you then storm back into the kitchen. Your heart almost exploding in pain. 'Ugh' you muttered. Harry shuts the door on a heartbroken Niall and you fall into the sofa crying. "Did you mean that?" Harry asks, his caring eyes looking into yours.
"I don't know. I love him, but I'm sick of his bullshit." You say. You don't usually swear so Harry knew you'd had enough. "So are you guys actually, over?" He says, looking kind of sad. "I guess so." You say, full of disbelief. Wow,.. just like that those three years were gone.

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