What I Like About You

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You wake up with a text.
"Dear y/n,
I know that you struggle with your self esteem so here are a few things I like (love) about you.
Your smile, it always lights up the room and is so beautiful.
Your laugh, it's contagious.
The way you can cheer me up no matter what.
Your eyes, the first thing I noticed when I met you, I fell in love with them and I knew that no matter how old we get, your eyes will never change.
When you sing in the shower, I refuse to let you believe that you can't sing, you have the voice of an angel.
When you send me messages when I'm on tour saying you miss me.
When you leave your hair natural and wavy, it's so gorgeous.
How you don't judge me when I act immature.. You join in!
When you dance around in your pyjamas jamming out to one direction songs thinking that I can't see you.
How you think you're fat when I know that you are perfect the way you are. I don't want you to ever think that again, princess.
As you know this list could go on forever, but I have to go now.
Remember I love you, and you are perfect to me. Love, Niall x"
You smiled, if only he knew that these texts save your life.

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