chapter 7

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when me and Kristen ran into the locker room we got glittered up and everything. and then Gabby walked in and said "hey, Sam im really sorry about earlier i guess i got a little jealous cause ive had a crush on him for the longest" i can see she actually meant that apology so hugged her and said it was ok cause i really don't want to be in any drama.

after we practiced the routines and cheers in the locker room we got out on the field were all the football players were huddled up. the players that had a cheerleader assigned to them had to stand by them as the announcer said there names.

when Kristen and Gabby player was called they smiled and shook their pom poms but when Justin's name was called i shook my pom poms but then he picked me up and twirled me around. i really don't know why he did that cause its really for him not the cheerleaders but i didn't care.

after half time came around we went out on the field and cheered with the band. it was amazing for me cause i felt awesome and wasnt as nervous as i thought i would be. after that everybody would usually go to the back area cause nobody would be on the field as the band performs more and the cheerleaders just go to the locker rooms or talk with the players.

i then saw a boy who was wearing a jersey but i didnt see him on the field at all. so me being me cause im noisy and nice i walked over and and said "hey, number 82 are you like a bench or something cause you have a jersey but i didnt see you on the field." when i said that i was in front of him and noticed he had light brown eyes and a cute face. he then said "oh, no im jv i just didnt feel like taking my jersey off" i also noticed he had braces on. i laughed and maybe blushed a little and then said "so number 82 you got a name" he laughed and said "yeah, Alex, what about you number 7 is your name Justin" i looked down forgetting that i had Justin's jersey on and quickly replied "nah, my name is Samantha but you can call me Sam for short"

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