Chapter 7

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"So, you moved here from Minnesota?" Calum said, plopping down on the couch next to me with his third piece of pizza.
I nodded, smiling. Seeing him in his comfy clothes, hair messy, sprawled out on the couch was a beautiful sight. I felt like I was just talking to calum. Not super star soccer player calum.
"That's so cool. How different is school there from here?" He asked. I picked up the pen to write on the notepad he had given me.
"Pretty different actually. Our main sport was football, especially in the fall. Friday football games were always the best days of the week." I watched his eyes flicker on the paper.
"Yeah, basically our school is all about soccer. In most states it is football, but soccer is just our thing I guess. Do you play sports?" I almost laughed at his question. Me, sports? No thank you.
"Uh, unless you count sleeping until
11 a sport, then no." He laughed that perfect laugh that he always does.

We had been talking just like that, for about an hour. I've learned that his mom isn't home very often, his dad had never been in his life, he was basically on his own. I couldn't imagine how lonely he must always feel.
   I didn't tell him much. Just about my dad being out of the picture for some time, and my mom met John while she was in Minnesota.
By the time we had winded down our conversations, it was 11:30 pm.
"Oh wow, I'm sorry I kept you so late. Are you okay to drive home?"
"I think so, there aren't any scary people out are there?" I wrote, he smirked, but it faded slightly.
"Now that you say it, a lot of people from school go out and get really drunk on the weekends. It's actually really dangerous. I can walk you?" He offered. I told him I would text my mom to tell her first.
"Everything okay?" He asked, I nodded, and he put his shoes on and led me out his door.
   My house was only a few houses down from his, but it was a pleasant walk in itself. Calum continued to tell me about the unbelievable parties that happen around here. I was very intrigued.
    "Well this is your stop." Calum said with a cheeky grin. I nodded, climbing the last step onto my porch.
   "I had a really great time tonight. I felt like I just got to know you." He said. I looked down at the ground, feeling a heat flush my cheeks. He stepped a bit closer to me, lifting my chin. I smiled into his dark brown eyes, as we both leaned in. The electricity I felt when calum and I kissed was like nothing I've ever felt before. It was bright, and beautiful. I could feel myself becoming addicted.
   He pulled away lightly, and we both smiled at each other again.
   "I hope we can do this again?" He asked.
   I nodded, and he said his goodbyes and made his way to his car. He waved from the window, and I waved back, as I went inside.
   I smiled the entire way walking up to my room, getting ready for bed, and laying down on  my pillow.
   Calum Hood, there is something about you.

For about three weeks, Calum and I have been non stop talking, and hanging out. You could say we're almost a couple, not quite yet.
   Today was the first time I would actually be hanging out with calums friends. I've met them briefly, but I have never gotten to hang out with all of them and I was actually really excited.
   I had no idea what I should wear. He told me we would be going to Beth's house, so I figured just to go cozy.
   I threw on one of calums sweatshirts he had given me last time I was at his house, a pair of leggings and some ugg slippers.
   Calum said he would be picking me up, so I decided to wait outside for him.
   I smiled when I saw his red hummer pull up in front of my house. I hopped into the passenger seat and saw calums cheeky face smiling at me. He leaned towards me to kiss my cheek.
   "Hey babe, you ready?" I nodded and smiled, and he pulled away from the drive way, and we were off to Beth's house.
I was okay with Calums group of friends. Usually, I get very very nervous in front, or with newer people, or any people for that matter. But for some reason, these people make me feel humble, and safe.
"We're here!" Calum exclaimed, jogging over to my side of the car to open the door for me.
I smiled, and took his hand to steady myself out of his tall car. We walked in to Beth's house, to see the rest of them sitting around the living room, and Michael in the kitchen.
"Guys! Cal and Lacey are here!" Beth says, making her way over to us.
Calum let go of my hand to give her a hug, and she hugged me too.
"So good to have you here Lacey." She said, making me smile. "Come on! Sit down! We ordered pizza a few minutes ago, it should be here any second- Michael! Stop eating the Cheetos!" She was interrupted by Michael chomping on a bag of Cheetos in her kitchen.
   "Luke tell your girlfriend Cheetos are a necessity of mine."
Calum laughed as he lead me over to sit on the couch. I plopped down next to him and he immediately grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. I smiled at the sight.
   "So Cal, how's everything going? You know, with you two?" Like said, raising his eyebrows in my direction. I again felt heat rising to my cheeks.
   "Everything's great. Lacey's been amazing." He said, looking at me and giving my hand a squeeze. The heat in my cheeks rose even more with all of the sarcastic "awwwwws!" Going on in the room.
   "Calum literally does not stop talking about you. We've heard so much." Trinity said as Michael came out of the kitchen and sat down next to her.
   "For real, I've never heard Cal talk so much." Michael said with his mouth full. A rumble of laughs came from the room.
   "Mikey come on!" Calum said, the heat now rising to his cheeks.
   "Hate to rain on your little love bird parade, but Shane just texted me that he's having a party. Like a huge party, we can't pass this up guys come on!" Ashton said.
   To my knowledge, Ashton was the only single one of the group. Calum had told me he goes to parties quite often.
"Oh my god Shane always has the best parties! Are you guys down?" Trinity said standing up from her seat.
At first I worried about what I was wearing, but then I realized I didn't really care. I wanted to see what these high school parties are all about.
   "Lacey, are you up for it?" Calum asked me. I nodded and he laughed. "Let's go to a party!" He said getting up and pulling me with him.
   We all piled into calums car, since no one wanted to be the designated driver, and calum doesn't drink.
   Pulling up to Shane's house left me in aw. Who knew music could be so loud, and there could be so many people in one house.
   We all got out of the car, calum immediately grabbing my hand.
   "Parties like this can be a bit crazy. Always within my sight okay?" He said. I nodded letting him know I understand the dangers and what not. How can you fuck up a party? I'll be fine.
   Walking in shocked me even more. There were so many people. Dancing, drinking, kissing. Defiantly more than I've ever seen.
   "Do you want something to drink? Non alcoholic of course." Calum yelled over the loud music. I nodded and he went over to the drink area.
   "Lacey! What the hell are you doing here?" I heard a familiar voice behind me.
  I turned around to see Nate. I smiled and laughed at his question. I could ask the same for him. He hates these people.
   "Come hang with us." He said, before I could signal I was with calum, he was pulling me outside to the back of this kids backyard.
   "Lacey! Jesus Christ you look-" storm started, but ended up coughing due to all of the marijuana in his lungs.
   "You look great babe." The very high Nate finished. Apparently the nicknames weren't just a calum thing.
  "You're at a party now. Take a hit." All the times that I've been with Nate and his group of friends, they've tried to get me to smoke with them for a long time.
   I was feeling this party, so I thought, why the hell not?
   I took the joint from storms hand, I wrapped my lips around the end of it, inhaling the taste. It wasn't bad.
   I held the smoke in for a few seconds before blowing it out. They all clapped and I smiled.
   "Finally Lace. Don't you feel good?" Nate said, taking the joint from me. I nodded.
   I do feel good. I feel fucking amazing.

*Calums POV*

   "No I swear she was right here!" I screamed over the extremely loud music.
   Lacey had disappeared somewhere within this party, and I was freaking out.
   "Maybe she's in the bathroom?" Luke said, taking another swig from his beer. I groaned. He wasn't going to be much help.
   I continued to search bedrooms, the kitchen, the bathroom, everywhere. I could not find this girl for the life of me.
   I decided to go outside, hoping to have some luck there.
   I could see Nate and Storm a little ways back, feeling relief knowing she's probably with them. I walked over to them, rolling my eyes at the sight of way too many joints.  
   "Lacey!" I said. She turned around, and got up from her spot on the ground. She hugged me, and I knew almost instantly she was higher than a kite. She would never hug me first.
   "How high did you get her?" I said, my teeth clenched. They all laughed at my question.
   "She only had a few hits dude calm down." Storm said, followed by coughing.
   "Why the hell would you even offer it to her?" I asked. She's never been high before to my knowledge.
   "She was looking for a good time, we gave it to her." Storm answered.
   I was too flustered to give a shit right now. I grabbed Lacey's hand and she followed me inside.
   "Are you okay? Did they hurt you? I swear to god-" before I could finish, Lacey reached for the pen on the counter, and wrote on her hand.
   "I'm fine!" She wrote. I nodded, slowly exhaling.
   "I was just worried about you sweetheart okay? Please don't do that again. It scared the shit out of me." I said, placing my hands on her cheeks to look into her eyes.
   She nodded. I smiled, and kissed her lightly. That same spark happened from the last time we kissed.
   "Cal! Let's get out of here!" Mikey yelled, everyone was ready to leave, so I got everyone to my car.
   I drove everyone back to my house, all of them were wasted, and Lacey was still high.
   "Why are we at your place?" Beth said, crashing on my couch.
   "You're all wasted, and Lacey's higher than a kite." I said, getting a few blankets and pillows from the closet for them to sleep with.
   "Mikey, you and Trin can have the first guest room, Luke, looks like Beth decided on the couch, Ash, you get the second bedroom."I made sure everyone had a place to stay comfortably.
   "Lacey, you got high? DAMN SHES MORE BAD ASS THAN ME!" Mikey said. We all let out a little laugh, and Lacey put her head in her hands.
   "Yeah yeah, waters in the fridge everyone, sleep tight." I said, taking Lacey's hand upstairs to my room.
   She sat down on the corner of my bed, looking around at my walls. I smiled at her, admiring how beautiful she was, even if she was just coming down from being high.
   "Here's a tshirt, do you need anything?" I said handing it to her. She shook her head, and made her way to the bathroom to change.
I got out of my clothes as well, throwing on a pair of pajama pants. I untucked the blankets on my bed, getting it ready. I plopped down, sighing as I hit it.
   Lacey came back in, putting her clothes on her bag she had. She stood there a bit confused.
   "Hi. You look beautiful." I said, she smiled with me as I grabbed a pillow and took the floor.
   She looked more confused when I was there. She reached for her notepad that was by my bed.
   "What are you doing?" She wrote.
   "Uh, sleeping?" I said.
   "Not with me? It is your bed you know." She wrote. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that she wanted me next to her. I got up from the floor and layed now next to her.
   I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her into my warm body. I nuzzled my face into her pale, cold neck, and I could feel her lay her hand on top of mine.
   "Tonight got me thinking." I said. She turned around to face me to listen.
   "Will you be my girlfriend?" I finally got out. Her eyes widened, stunned at the question. I smiled, hoping she would just say yes. That's all I wanted was to call her mine.
   After a few seconds, she nodded, and smiled. I smiled as well. I kissed her forehead, then her nose, and finally her lips. She turned back around to a spooning position, and I held her tighter. I could feel my heart pounding at how nervous I was, but how relieved I was that she said yes.
   "Good night Lacey." I said, before drifting off to sleep.


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