Chapter 8

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*Calums POV*

I felt my eyes slowly flutter open, and focus on what was around me. God damn it was bright.
   I smiled to myself, remembering what had happened last night before going to sleep.
   Lacey was now my girlfriend. Mine. I tightened my grip on her waist, squeezing her. I nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck, and lifted her shirt slightly to place my hand on her cold tummy.
   I felt her move around, waking up. I kissed her neck letting her know I was awake too.
   "Good morning babe." I said, not realizing how raspy my voice was.
   She turned her head to look at me, and we both smiled. I kissed her lips lightly. That same spark always happens, even early in the morning.
   She managed to turn her entire body to face me, wrapping her arms around my torso and intertwining her legs in mine, and she rested her head in the crook of my neck. This was a completely new Lacey I was seeing. I hope this meant she was more comfortable with me.
   I put my hand on the small of her back, running my fingertips up and down. I could get used to waking up like this everyday. It was so comforting and relaxing. With my girlfriend. I'll never get tired of saying that.
   I heard rustling in my kitchen, and something spill, then a groan. Mikey. I groaned a little bit myself.
   I removed the blankets from my body, gave Lacey a quick kiss on the head, and went out to see what the noise was.

"Fuck." I heard Mikey say, grabbing some paper towels to clean up the juice he spilled.
   "You're going to need a little more than that mate." I said smiling at him. I grabbed a few towels from the cabnet I stored them in, and helped him clean it up.

"God dammit Mikey you're so loud." I heard Beth wake up and say. By then everyone was awake and chatting.
"Shit I'm so hungover." Luke said, rubbing his head and reaching for the ibuprofen sitting on the table.
"I told you not to take that many shots babe." Trinity said, grabbing the bottle after him.

Lacey walked out of my room, and sat on one of the bar stools across the counter. I couldn't help but smile at how sleepy she looked.
I made my way over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Morning sleepyhead." I said against her, and kissed down her neck. She moved her head to give me more access. I latched on to her neck, lightly sucking on her. I felt her smile.
"Alright love birds let's not bite each other's necks off yeah?" Ashton said smacking me on the back playfully.

"Did you get laid last night ash?" Luke asked. Ash just gave us a smirk. We knew he would.
"Seriously? Who'd you fuck this time?" Trinity said. She didn't like when Ashton had sex at parties. Apparently it was dangerous.
"Nobody you would know." He responded, reaching for Mikey's cup of juice.
   "I'm so hungover." Beth complained. Everyone was, besides me. I've never been much of a drinker. I know if I started, I wouldn't stop.
   "Lunch anyone? I'll pay." Ashton said.  Everyone agreed to go, as long as we both drove.

*Lacey's POV*

   We stopped at a local diner, where a lot of people from school hang out. So I've heard.
   We waited in the front of the diner for a waiter.
   A boy, most likely our age, with shaggy brown hair and a lip piercing, just like Luke's came out.
   I felt his stare and I looked up to see him smiling at me. Naturally, I smiled back.
   "hi, I'm Cameron, I'll be serving you today. Follow me!" He said, leading us back to a booth.
   We all piled into the booth, I sat down last next to Calum. Cameron said he would give us a little bit to look over the menu, and he would be back.
When he came back, he took everybody's orders, and when he got to me, he knelt down, and looked up at me.
"What can I get for you babe?" He smiled, but I did not. I could feel Calum's anger radiating off of him. He slipped his hand around my waist to pull me closer to him.
"She'll just have the same thing as me." He said sternly.
   Cameron smirked sarcastically, and jotted it down on his note pad.
   "Alright, I'll be back with that." He said, winking at me and walked away to the kitchen.
   I mentally face palmed. This guy has guts I guess. I proceeded to look at Calum with caution. Everyone was silent.
   "Cal?" Trinity said to snap him out of it.
   "What the hell was that?" He asked. Everyone shrugged, including myself.

   Calum shook it off, thank god. Everyone starting to break out in conversation about last nights festivities, getting drunk, and getting laid.
   "No I swear she was so drunk, I'm not even sure she remembers anything." Ashton laughed a little bit.
   "Ashton come on, that's horrible." Beth smacked him.
    "No no she wasn't the one I banged, I just danced with her." Ashton made sure to assure us that.
   I felt Calum's face up against mine, he nudged me and I looked at him. I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was.
   He touched our foreheads and noses together, and pecked me lightly.
   "Do you know that guy?" He whispered so only I could hear. I shook my head.
   Before he could say anything else, Cameron came back with a lot of plates in his hands.
   "Alright, I think that's everything. Can I get anything else for you babe?" Before I could even react, I heard Calum's voice.
"Cut it out with the babe thing dude." He said, clenching his teeth. Cameron scoffed.
"Just a nick name brother." He retorted. Calum tilted his head.
"Yes, but she's my girlfriend and I would rather you not call her that." He said, trying to stay as calm as possible.
I put my hand on his and squeezed it, reassuring him that I'm right there.
"Oh yeah? Why don't you let her speak for herself?" I felt my heart drop into my stomach. I started to shake as I felt Cameron's eyes on me.
"You're fucking dead." I heard, as I turned Calum was already over my head and attached to Cameron. I jumped at the sudden crash of plates as they both fell to the floor, Calum on top of Cameron.
I couldn't scream. I couldn't call for him, or help. I couldn't even move. All I did was stare. Wide eyed.
Blood started to pour out of Cameron's nose as soon as Michael started to pull Calum off of him.
I felt someone's arms wrap around my shoulders and pull me in to their chest, Ashton. I bit my lip, trying to hold tears back. Ashton shook his head, and lightly guided my head into his shoulder. I let my tears soak his t shirt, as he rubbed my back in comfort.

   "What the hell is going on here??" A man, who I'm assuming is the manager said, his booming voice startling me.
   "This over protective kiwi attacked me!" Cameron exclaimed.
"Everyone with him, out! And don't come back!" He said. The waitress holding Cameron back lead him to the kitchen.
We all scooted out of our booth and made our way out the door. Calum showed up not long after.
   "God if I see that fucker again I swear-"
   "Dude, stop it." Ashton cut him off. He still hung on to my shoulders, but took his hand off of me.
   "Can we please just get out of here?" Beth begged. We all piled into either Ashton or Calum's car. I didn't want to go with him, but I did anyways. Everyone else thought it would be a better idea to give Calum and I some alone time.
   "I'm sorry Lacey. I don't know what came over me." He said, finally cooling off.
   I didn't move my head from the window. I don't know what I could have possibly done.
   "Are you mad at me?" He asked. I shook my head. I wasn't mad at him. I was scared of him. What if he blew up like that again?
   He reached for my hand, but I pulled it away. His eyes were burning a hole through me. I could feel them.
   But he didn't say anything. He just kept driving. I had texted Beth earlier and asked her to drop me off at home once we met back at Calum's place.
   I gathered up my stuff, and met Beth in the kitchen.
   "Alright, we're gonna head out." Beth announced, she gave Luke a quick kiss, and grabbed her keys.
   Calum made his way towards me. I had my head down, and he lifted it up with his finger. He pulled me in for a hug.
   "I'm sorry baby." He whispered in my ear.
   I didn't really know what to do. Eventually we both pulled away, and he kissed me on the forehead.
   "Drive safe." He said to Beth. We both walked out and got in her car.


Are you still upset?

Me: no, I'm not.

Calum: are you sure babe?

Me: of course I'm sure. I'm just..
Scared I guess?

Calum: of what? Of me?

Me: what if this isn't the last time you, lose it?

Calum: Lacey I promise. That was the first, and the last. I'm so sorry.

Me: okay. I hope. I'm really tired, I think I'm going to go to bed.

Calum: okay. Good night babe, sleep well (:

I turned off my phone, as well as my light. What a day huh?
I was telling the truth, I wasn't mad at Calum. I believe him when he said he wouldn't do it again. I mean, that's what he said, right?

Trust is all that matters.

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