3-Roller coaster of doom maybe isn't that bad

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Percy POV
I look around me and see all the high ranking angels staring at me and I get a little uncomfortable and shift my feet. Chaos seems to notice.
"Everyone dismissed except for the Elite team!"
Everyone left. The Elite team, I guess they're called, came to stand in front of me in a triangle like shape. There were some white winged people in the back leading up to two dark grey winged people in the front. They all bowed to me.
"Please don't bow, I hate it."
They smiled. Chaos asked them to take off their hoods and I suddenly got nervous that they won't be how I expect. I at least hope they will be nice. Also that they will accept me as their commander and not hate me because I just showed up and immediately got the rank of commander and don't have any experience.  They lifted their hoods and I gasped. Tears pricked my eyes. They are here. They are alive. Or are they? I reach out and touch his face. Luke's face.

He smiles. I reach out and hug him mercilessly. I put my face to his chest and hear his heartbeat. Tears steak down my face. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me closer.  Whispers soothing words into my ear. I close my eyes and just focus on his heartbeat. He lifts my chin with his fingers and I see his face and I smile.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me. I missed you so much."
"Percy, there is nothing to forgive. It wasn't your fault."
"It was my fault. You and Silena and Bekendorf and Micheal and Lee and Castor and Zoe and Bianca all the others. It was all my fault. If only I tried harder I could have saved you."
"No. You did your best. It was our fate. It was not your fault."
I just cried into his shoulder. He rubbed my back. Eventually I fell asleep to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

Luke POV
He is here. My best friend, my crush, my family. I let him down but he believes it is his fault. He looks more broken than when I left. It is clear in his eyes. What happened to him?
"What happened to him?" Bianca voiced my thoughts.
"He was betrayed. He lost more than you can imagine. It's not my place to tell everything. We will wait for him. Come. I will lead you to his room. I scoop Percy into my arms and we all follow Chaos. He leads us to a secluded part of the castle. This is where only Chaos's room, and now Percy's I guess, room is. He leads us to a pair of giant oak doors. He grabs Percy's hand and presses it to the door. The door shines. I know this process. Everything that Percy wants will appear in his dream room. The doors slide open and we gasp at the site. The floors are a darn oak, the ceiling a night sky. The walls are a light sea-green and the bed is made of oak with white sheets and light and darn blue comforters. He has a giant window overlooking the city with a balcony. The curtains are a bright white and dark as night black. He has a small pool in the corner of his room and he has a walk-in closet. What surprises me the most is the small library on one side of the room. It is filled with books. Chaos picks up a book from his bed and puts in a book mark. I place Percy down on the bed and cover him with the comforters. Chaos conjures some chairs and sofas me we sit around Percy, waiting for him to wake up.

Percy POV
When I wake up I see the worried faces of my past friends. There is Silena, Zoe, and Bianca for the girls. Then there is Bekendorf, Lee, Castor, Michael, Ethan, and Luke for the boys. Ethan, Castor, Lee, and Michael have white wings, Silena, Bekendorf, and Bianca have light grey wings, and Zoe and Luke have dark grey wings. Chaos came over.
"Percy, are you alright?"
"Percy, what happened to you while we were, um, gone?" Luke asked.


"And that's what happened."
By that time tears were streaming down my face from reliving the memories. Silena had tears falling from her eyes. She remembered my mom. Zoe and Bianca had tears pricking their eyes, threatening to overflow. The boys had murderous looks on their faces as well. Luke came to me and hugged me tight.
"I wish I could've been here for you." He wiped away my tears.
"How about we all go to Chaos land and relieve some stress?"
"OK" was heard around the room.
Chaos flashed us to Chaos land. Everyone but me ran inside the gates. I stood nervously there, looking at the giant structures. I remembered a time where I went to an amusement park as a kid, with my mom. A tear ran down the side of my face. Suddenly, Luke ran back to me. He wiped the tear away and smiled at me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me along. When we reached everyone else they smiled at me and then ran off. Luke pulled me to the ride everyone was at. We got in the ride and I sat in the front next to Luke. Then the ride lurched forward. It was a roller coaster. The car zoomed up into the sky and I grabbed Luke hand tighter. It suddenly came to a stop. I let out a breath of relief. Then I looked down. We were in space. Just hovering there, the whole train of cars. My grip on Luke's hand tightened. He just smiled and raised his arms in the air, bringing mine with him. I was confused, until the coaster tilted forwards. It separated and each car was by itself. I subconsciencely wrapped my arms astound him, and screamed. Our car sped down towards planet Chaos at the speed of light. The wind whipped my hair. I hugged Luke closer. I kept screaming and Luke just laughed. Our car did loops and twists, twirls and drops until we finally reached the end. I was panting. I realized I was still hugging Luke and quickly let go.
"Um, er, sorry." He just laughed and smiled.
Luke climbed out of the car and helped me out. I shakily got out of the car. Everyone was watching me expectantly like they were waiting for a reaction. I took a shaky breath and smiled.
"Let's do it again!!!"
They stared at me shocked.
"People always vomit first time they go on that, Percy."
"Oh really? Eh, Tartarus was scarier than that."
"Hmm? Oh. That's kind of a long story. Maybe some other time."
They nodded and Luke dragged me to another ride.
Here we go again.
----------------La TimeSkip-----------------
By the time we got home, we all had messy hair, paint-splattered-glowing clothes, sticky hands, painted faces, and cotton candy and balloons.
We walked through the castle laughing and telling jokes. We all agreed to shower and then meet in the common area for a movie night. Luke told me how to MM, mind-message, someone, so, I MMed Chaos.
Hey Dad?
Yes Prostatí?
Can you, I don't know, show me where my room is?
Oh. Yeah. Oops. I forgot. I'll be right there.
I waited patiently for Chaos to come. He appeared a minute later. He grabbed my hand, (I am beginning to feel like a little kid, but I enjoy the childishness of it all.) and led me through the castle to a secluded part.
"The big Chaos gold doors lead to my room, the Chaos silver doors lead to my Private study/office, and the Chaos bronze doors lead to your room. Okay? To everyone else any type of Chaos metal looks like regular Oak, silver, gold, bronze, or whatever regular everyday item they want to see. Got that? What makes Chaos metal so great is that it is enchanted. It can not break, chip, or melt, and it can fade any immortal. There is only a small supply and they are all in these doors. It may not look like enough, but it regenerates so, if you want something made of Chaos metal, just put your hand on the door you want the metal from and imagine what you want in your mind, it will appear in your hand and nothing happens to the door. Try it."
I put my hand on the Chaos silver door and imagined a sword in my hand. In a split second a well balanced blade formed in my hand.
"Yup. It is great. Ok. Here is a sheath for that sword. Go get ready. I will join you guys soon."
I put the sword in its sheath and walk in my room. I marvel for a bit until I spot the pool. Without thinking, I am running into the pool. All the dirt washes away from me and I relax in the pool. I suddenly have an idea. Dad said I could do everything he does, so I will try my creation powers. I imagine a tattoo needle and ink. It appears in my hand. I start giving myself a tattoo right above my heart. I look in the mirror as I do it. I draw a wave washing away the top layer of sand on the shore of a beach. A new start. I enchant it so that the tattoo moves and the wave crashes against the sand for real, washing the sand away and in its place, black sand appears. Chaos. I draw my old friends on the white sand scene and my new ones and Chaos on the black sand scene. My new beginning. I admire my tattoo for a while then climb out of the pool. I instantly dry off. I choose some comfortable pajamas from my closet. A grey long sleeve shirt and black leggings. I walk out of the room and remember I don't know where the common room is. I knock on Chaos' door.
"Yes? Who is it?"
"It's Prostatí."
I walk in and see Chaos finishing putting on his shirt.  He smiles at me.
"You look nice."
"I don't know how to get to the common room..."
He let out a hearty chuckle.
"I forgot again! Well, I'll show you in a minute. I will meet you here everyday in the morning so you know where to go first for the first week. And if you ever get lost you can MM me."
"Alright. One moment please."
I looked at the ground and twiddled my fingers. Chaos came to me.
"First I want to ask you something. I adopted you, but I also want to blood adopt you. Can we do that on your birthday?"
"Great, let's go!"
I grab his hand and we walked out and to the common room. We walked through the hallways and to the kitchen, we stopped at the kitchen and made some popcorn. Chaos grabbed my hand and led me to a pair of birch wood doors and pushed them open.
"Percy!!!" I smiled. Luke pushed me on the couch and sat on my left, dad took a seat on my right. Everyone else grabbed random seats around the room. We fought over what movie to watch.
"The notebook!"
"Jurassic Park!"
"A horror story!"
Everyone stared at me.
"What? I love that movie!" They looked at each other, shrugged, and put it in. I sang along to all the songs and eventually fell asleep.
That morning I woke up drooling on Luke's shoulder. His hand was tangled in my hair. I pulled it off and stood up. Everyone else woke up when I stood. They smiled at me but then Zoe remembered something.
"Tell us about what you meant when you mentioned Tartarus. The truth."

Hey guys. Thanks for waiting. This chapter is really long so I could make it up to you guys but don't expect it everytime because I am extremely busy. I will try to make the chapters as long as I can.
Question time! Dedication to the first correct answer!
What is Percy's favorite color?
Until next time!

Percy Jackson Adopted Son Of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now