7-I guess it's okay to be a scared child sometimes

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Percy POV

I flash away with the first stone. I can't wait to tell Chaos! I want to wish for Luke to come back to life...but after seeing that poor planet...is that the best choice? I mean, I could wish for something that could affect the whole universe and not just me... Maybe I should think this over...

Third Person POV

Percy walks through the castle halls. He knows he can just most travel to Chaos' office, but he wants some time to think to himself before meeting Chaos.

Chaos is patiently waiting for Percy to come back from his mission. It is Percy's first mission without his team, and Chaos is worried. What is Percy destroyed something? Chaos just hopes that if Percy destroyed something, it wasn't something important.

As Percy nears Chaos' office, he starts to get nervous. What will Chaos think of the outcome of his mission? Will he be happy? Proud? Will he be disappointed that Percy left a seven-year-old in charge? What will he say about the stone?

Chaos' fingers drummed against his desk. He felt Percy's presence back in the castle. Percy was here. Did that mean his mission was a success? Or did Percy fail his mission? He IS back earlier than Chaos thought Percy would take. Chaos hopes Percy wrote a report on his mission that Chaos could put in the file.

Percy stopped in front of Chaos's door. He raised his hand to knock, but hesitated. He needs a written report. He quickly pictures all what happened on his mission on a piece of nice white paper. A stack of papers appears in his hands. He raises his hand and knocks on the door.

A sound of acknowledgement comes from the other side of the door and Percy steps inside. He smiles at Chaos and hands him the report. Chaos greets Percy by wrapping him in a hug.

"Are you alright? No injuries? I don't have to take you to the infirmary again, do I?"
Chaos fusses over Percy.

"Dad. Dad! Dad, I'm fine! I just came to say 'Hi' and tell you the mission was a success."

"Oh. Phew. Okay, that is good. That's good."


"So who was the soul?"

"It was a kid. Seven years old. His name is Jenoa. He was the rightful ruler of the planet, he had the eyes."


"Is it bad that I put a seven-year-old in charge of a planet? I just thought it would be okay and all, because he is the rightful ruler and everything."

"...Uh...yes son, that's...fine..."

"Oh yeah! He even gave me the first stone!"


Chaos fainted, landing on the floor.

"Dad? Dad?! Huh...I wasn't expecting this..."

Percy, shocked and amused at his father's reaction to having a seven-year-old rule a planet and give Percy the first stone, grabs Chaos' arms and hails him up, then mist traveled them to Chaos' bedroom. Percy tossed Chaos on the bed and went to leave to his room, immediately changing his mind. Percy considered crawling into his adopted father's bed like a little kid, but changed his mind. He was about to go and sit on the couch, when Chaos started waking up.

"Mmmm....what happened...?"

"Dad? Oh! You're awake! Uh well, I told you what happened on my mission and you sorta-kinda fainted..."

"Oh. Well in that case, I'm guessing you teleported me here?"

"Uh, yeah...I couldn't just leave you on the floor of your office..."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm just gonna go to bed now."


Percy quickly leaves the room, then enters his bedroom. He collapses onto his bed and, too tired to go to his closet, flashes on a pair of Finding Nemo pajamas and falls asleep.

Percy POV

As soon as I fell asleep, I started to dream.

I stood in a barren land. The sky was a dull grey, the water in a nearby pond a murky brown. A few dead trees littered the ground and stray tumble weeds blew in the breeze.

Where am I?

I walk forward. I see a ripple in the air and stick my hand out. I'm sucked into a portal-like thing and disappear.

I'm at Camp Half-Blood now. The dead bodies of the campers littered the hill and area around the cabins. I walk closer. Some of them I know-knew. Most of them I don't. A lot of them are little kids. It's so sad. I may have been betrayed by them, but they don't deserve this.

A lone tear runs down my face.

I see another ripple in the air and walk closer, quickly getting sucked in.

I appear in an alley on Olympus. I expect to see festivals and hear wonderful music, but instead, all I hear is silence. Enough silence that you could hear a pin drop.

I walk out of the alley and look around. Nothing. Everything is dark in color. Grays, blacks, Browns. Not the bright and cheery Olympus I know.

I keep walking.

I see the palaces of the gods. None of them are left standing. All are piles of ruble on the ground.

What has happened here?

I gather my courage and keep going. I need to know more. I ignore the ripple in the air and continue walking to what I know, from personal experience, to be the throne room.

The doors have been blasted off their hinges. I hear voices and dash inside. There, chained up and hanging over a pit leading straight to Tartarus, are all the gods and demigods. Standing around them laughing, are various monsters, Giants, and Titans. I see a man in a cloak. He turns to me and I see a smirk make its way onto his features.

"Fear me, child of Chaos. This will be the outcome of the next war. FEAR ME!!!"

I scream.

He cackles, his smirk still on his face.

The vision slowly fades.

~Dream end~

I wake up panting and screaming. I run to the door of my bed room and dash into Chaos' room.

I see Chaos asleep on his bed. I crawl into his huge bed and poke his arm.

I whisper. No response.


Chaos grunts and slowly opens his eyes.

"What's wrong Prostatí?"

"I had a nightmare."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." I sniffle. "Not right now."

He bids and lifts up the bed covers, opening his arms. I crawl index the covers and bury my head into his chest. Tears leak out of my eyes.

"You can tell me in the morning if you want...?"

I nod and curl into him more.

He runs my back soothingly.

"It's okay son. Everything is okay. You are okay. Everything will be fine."

My breathing slows and I fall asleep to my adopted father's whispering of encouraging and calming words.

I guess it's okay to be a scared child every once in a while.

There you go guys! Hot off the press, so sorry if it sucks. It's starting to get late and I'm very tired so I think I will go to bed now! Tell me what you think of the chapter or just the story in general! I'm starting a schedule for updating, so I will update this story every other Saturday. Next update: April 23!

Percy Jackson Adopted Son Of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now