9-Mission #2-Little girls know best

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Percy POV

A new mission? Gee, thanks, I just love to risk my life for these things, yup. Oh well, it helps the people.

"Alright, what is it?"

"You must assassinate Sir Carliem of Benedwik. He has been accused of the murder of seventeen children, twenty-three women, and 67 men. He has raped 159 people. Yes, people, not just women, but children, men, and women. He has killed most of those he raped, and the ones he didn't successfully kill are scarred for life."


"You see why he must die?"

"Yes, father. I will do my best."


Traveling to Benedwik turned out to be much harder than I thought. Benedwik was located on the planet of Jarglin, a desert planet. I could not mist travel there due to the tremendous lack of water. If I teleport, it would alert the officials, and I don't want that either.

So instead, I take my small personal ship.

Loading my small, triangular shaped, blue ship gave me the time to think about the wish I could make once I have all the gems.

Surely there would be a way for me to wish good for the world, but still get my Luke back. Right?


Third Person POV

Percy turns on the engine in his ship. He turns on the control panel and starts pressing buttons and flicking switches. He pulls the lever on the console and the ship hovers.
He pushes the giant blue button the ship zooms off to Jarglin.

Chaos stands on the loading platform, waving at the retreating form of his son's ship. It would be a while until he saw him again.

Objective: Assassinate Carliem of Benedwik.
Info: The people of planet Jarglin are very different than those of Earth. They have full grey skin and red-orange-green eyes. They are tall, standing at a proud 10 feet for women and 12 feet for men. Their grow rate is tremendous once they hit the age of 14, but they die if they grow to slow and die if they grow to fast. As children, they stand at a maximum of 5 feet and spurt up once they hit 14.
The people of Jarglin kill and slaughter their enemies and serve the flesh to their king, but they do have a sense of right and wrong and they would never harm an innocent.
The people are relatively humanoid, and do things similar to humans.
They are pretty much peaceful as long as you do not cause trouble or become their enemy. They accept and welcome all new comers with open arms, but once the new comer does something bad they become the enemy.

Percy lands on a deserted area. There is nothing around him for miles. He grabs his mission stuff and puts it in the void, putting on his crown and flipping his hood up.
He walks for hours until a city is in sight. Quickly hacking into their system, he find out it is the city where his target is.
He walks up to the huge iron gates guarding the entrance and shouts out to the guards to let him in.

"Why should we?!"
They shout back at him.

"I come in peace to all but one! One who has committed many wrongs and must be eliminated!"

"We will not let harm come to any one of the citizens beyond here. Be gone!"

"By Chaos, let me in! Do you know what the man has done?!"

"Surely not enough to have to be killed because of it!"

"So murder and rape of many does not warrant a severe punishment in your able community?"

The guards were struck speechless. They now knew who Percy was talking about.

"Are you insane?! Only Chaos or one of his successors would be able to kill him!"

Percy Jackson Adopted Son Of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now