Chapter 113

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Scott barely had time to shut the door after returning home, before Mitch had him crushed in a hug.

Scott let out a small noise of surprise.

Mitch squeezed him tightly, eyes shut tight. "I missed you! How was your trip?"

"It was fine. You should be careful though. You're going to get all my sweat on you."

Mitch giggled and pulled back. "It wouldn't be the first time."

Scott's eyes widened a little, but he laughed quickly after.

Mitch grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the kitchen. "Guess who I talked to today?"


"No, you have to guess!" Mitch replied playfully.

Scott sighed, a little too tired for Mitch's antics. "Okay.. Um.. Travis?"

"Wrong!" Mitch giggled.


"Ooh. I wish. But wrong!"

"Mitch, please tell me. I don't know."

Mitch turned and pouted. "You give up already?"

"Yes, Mitch. I give up. You win. Now tell me." Scott replied tiredly.

"Your parents. Connie and... Rick, is it? That sounds right--"

Scott took a quick step closer to him. "They contacted you?! About what?!"

"They said they needed to talk to you, so I told them I'd take a message, and..." Mitch trailed off.

"And what?" When Mitch didn't answer, Scott grabbed his shoulder. "And what?!"

"They... They said that they want to visit my parents. And... Discuss whether you and I are a good match or not. Rick said they need to know, because if not... He has someone else lined up for you."

Scott rolled his eyes. "Son of a... They always have to control everything in my life. They don't trust me to do anything on my own because I'm just a disappointment. You were the only choice I ever got to make for myself. That's why they dislike you so much. It has nothing to do with you. It's just their desperate need for control over me. So now they're trying to take you away."

Mitch pouted and grabbed Scott's hand lightly. "Are they... Will they take you away from me?"

"They might try. But I would never let them do it. I promise, you have nothing to worry about."


The two Betas, along with Jake and Alex, ate lunch in the living room, on the couch.

The others ate at the dining room table.

Mitch sat beside Scott, while Avi and Kirstie sat in front of them, on the other side of the table.

Mitch bounced a little on the chair he was on. "Well this is fancy."

Kirstie giggled and nodded, looking back down to dig into her food.

Avi squinted at Scott, who was trying to be casual while he didn't eat.

Avi held up a hand to Mitch. "Mitchell, stop eating."

Mitch nodded, setting down his fork while he finished chewing and swallowed.

Scott glared at him. "What are you doing? He needs to eat."

"And so do you." Avi countered. "Every bite you take, is a bite Mitchell can take. You're responsible for his food intake. Don't do something stupid."

Scott frowned at him. "That doesn't seem fair."

"It should be simple. Kirstie and I will do it too if it'll make you feel better."

Avi watched Kirstin take a bite of her salad, and then he did the same with his sandwich, before he looked up and raised an expectant eyebrow at Scott.

Scott sighed and picked up his fork, taking a small bite of his salad, and encouraging Mitch to do the same with his sandwich.

Mitch smiled while he did it, excited that his Alpha was eating.

Scott slowly ate his whole salad, making sure Mitch took bites after every fork full he took.

Avi and Kirstie both finished before them, and Avi sent Kirstie to be on kitchen cleaning duty so he could sit and be sure that Scott finished his meal.

When Scott finally did finish his salad, he groaned and pushed his plate away. "Are you happy? Now will you get off my back?"

Avi smiled and stood up, going to help Kirstie in the kitchen. "Probably not. But it's progress."

Mitch hugged Scott's neck with much enthusiasm. "I'm so proud of you!"


"I really, really am!"


Almost immediately after lunch, Avi received a phone call from The Counsel about their first meeting.

Luckily, the location of the building was in walking distance from the hotel.

On the other hand, that also meant walking down the Vegas Strip with three Omegas in their midst.

Avi told everyone to get ready, and then they would walk over, taking their time because there was no exact time they needed to be there.

Scott was dressed, standing in the bathroom fixing his hair, when Mitch walked in, in one of Scott's shirts that he'd left unbottoned.

He held up both sides of the shirt and pouted at Scott. "Help me?" The whisper sounded so weak and pathetic, it made Scott frown involuntarily.

Scott tried to give him a smile, not sure why he sounded so upset. "Of course, baby. Just let me wash my hands."

Scott finished his hair as quick as he could and then washed all the gel off of his hands.

He handed Mitch his hairspray. "Help me first?"

Mitch smiled a little and took the bottle from him, waiting for Scott to bow his head so Mitch could spray his hair a little, getting all the little hairs that refused to cooperate.

Mitch set the bottle on the counter and then put his arms at his sides, so Scott could uphold his end of the 'help'.

Scott quickly buttoned his shirt for him, smiling at it because it was so large, it was almost impossible to see where Mitch's body was inside of it.

Mitch turned and looked in the mirror when he was done. "Do we look great?" He scoffed. "Yes."

Scott rolled his eyes fondly and lead him out of the bathroom.

Avi was knelt on the ground by the front door, tying Kirstie's shoe for her.

Kevin was holding Kirstie's purse, and looking through it every time Kirstie named an object, just to be sure she had everything she needed.

Avi stood up and pushed his hair out of his eyes to look at everyone. "We all good?"

Scott glanced around and did a quick headcount of his own, before nodding at Avi.

Avi put his hand on the doorknob and then turned around. "This is stupid, but I'm going to say it anyway. Buddy system, okay? If you're an Omega, you make sure there is an Alpha next to you at all times. Not just a Beta. I'm being serious. Alexander, I'm mainly talking to you, because you're male and unMated... And you look like that. So you need to be especially careful."

Kevin nodded and started out the door, Todrick right behind him.

Kirstie grabbed Avi's hand, and then they followed.

Alex pouted and walked behind Scott. "Did he just compliment me, or insult me?"

Jake chuckled. "I'm like... ninety-eight percent sure that was a compliment."

"Oh..." Alex thought for a second, and then his bright smile had returned.


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