Would I

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When I think of you tears roll down my face
If you are present in my life maybe things would be in place
Maybe then I wouldn't have memories I wish I could erase
Would things be easier would I have felt less pain
Would I have danced more in the Sun and cried less in the rain
Maybe I wouldn't feel so much anger that I struggle to contain
I never understood how you could be gone before I began
It used to make me feel better that you were caged and you weren't gone because you ran
Because of your actions you could never tuck me in a hold my hand
How does it feel to have kids but can't call yourself a dad
Just imagine how I feel that you're out there but you're something I never had
I always tryed to understand but trying made me mad
Because then I had to make excuses for all the things that you did
Like why you would rather be in the streets then to be home with your kids
I guess we just weren't a good enough reason for you to live and do right
We must have not been a good enough reason for you to come home every night
I will never understand why you left us all alone
Why I never saw you face to face just heard a voice over the phone

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