Chapter 3

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Becca's POV:

Me, Cal and Mikey were in the car on or way to the hospital. I was really nervous for some reason, I didn't really know what to expect, what would Becky look like this morning? Ash hadn't returned home last night so we figured he had stayed the night at the hospital with Becky in her private room. I felt bad for Ash because he has convinced himself it’s all his fault but it’s not, it was just an accident that could have happened to anyone at any time, but of course it didn't help that they were in the middle of an argument but friends always argue.

 We pulled up at the hospital, luckily there was a parking spot right in front of the hospital. Luke had decided to take his mind off things by going to see Lexi today, he just hasn't been acting right lately, something is worrying me about him but he won't tell us what's going on. We hurried inside and went straight for Becky's room. When we got outside her room door I paused. "Cal I don't know if I can see her like this" I spoke quietly, how could I see my best friend looking so helpless and lifeless. I felt Cal take my hand and squeeze it. "It will all be okay" he reassured me. Michael opened the door and we stepped inside. Ash was still in the same place we left him, sat next to Becky’s bed, her hand in his. But he had his head down on the bed, he looked like he was asleep. We edged our way over and I took a look at Becky, I felt sick, there were so many machines around her and wires connected to most places on her body. Michael went over to Ash and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Ash wake up." He said softly shaking him. Ash groaned and lifted his head to look at us. He looked a state, his eyes were all red and swollen and his face pale and tired looking. "I think you should go home Ash, you need some proper sleep." Cal suggested, he still hasn't let go of my hand. "I don't want to leave her." He practically whispered. "We will be with her, please Ash you need to sleep you have been here most of yesterday and all last night" Michael insisted. Ash just nodded and let go of Becky's hand. He leaned over and kissed her forehead lightly before stepping away. "I will just take Ashton home, let me know when you want me to pick you two up" Michael said to us leading Ashton out the room. Cal nodded to Michael and they left the room. I stepped closer to Becky. "It's so hard to see her like this Cal" I said, it was all beginning to feel like too much and tears started to stream down my face.

 Once Cal had calmed me down and wiped the tears from my face as gently as he could I asked him if he would get me a cup of tea so I could have some time alone with Becky, I needed some time with my best friend. “of course Bec I’m on it! I’m going on an adventure” he chuckled as he walked out the door. I loved how he didn’t even need to ask what I take in my tea anymore it saves him cracking the terrible joke ‘would you like any tea with your sugar?’ because I take three sugars. Anyway I wasn’t here to think about tea, I walked over to Becky’s side and sat on the seat next to her bed. I put my hand in hers “Hey Becky, I feel really weird doing this because I don’t know if you are hearing me right now but the doctor said you might be able to and that it might help you so I’m gonna do it anyway.” I paused for a second, I could feel the tears coming back “Becky I just really need you to wake up and be okay, we’re all so worried, Ash is a mess, he thinks it’s all his fault, I’m trying to convince him it’s not because I know you won’t think it is I don’t know what’s up with Luke at the moment, me and Cal are really worried about him and don’t know what to do, we need you at home, just wake up please… please” I started weeping again when Cal came through the door with my tea, when he saw me he rushed over to me, sat the tea down and wrapped his arms around me.

 When I stopped crying again, I took a sip of my tea and spit it out straight away, I looked at Calum and we both laughed for a few seconds, it felt nice to laugh again, It seems like ages. “what’s wrong with it?” Cal asked me still with laughter in his voice “sorry Cal, but this tastes like it’s been made with dishwater ew” I replied also still laughing, “aw I’ll go get you something else” Cal said sweetly “No! its fine don’t bother it doesn’t matter, I love dishwater” “no no no no” he insisted while walking out the door again.

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