Chapter 1

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Becca’s  POV:

Finally the bell rang to signal the end of school, it had been such a stressful day and I couldn’t wait to get back home. I had my last exam today, and it was unluckily my worst subject, English. I had text my best friend Becky after I got out to say I thought I had done shit. Usually she would text me back straight away but this time I never even got a reply, this wasn’t like Becky she would always try and I cheer me up.

I walked out of the schools main doors and to make matters even worse it was pissing it down and I didn’t have a jacket or an umbrella.  Great I will have to walk home in this.  I continued to walk with my head down to try and protect my face from the freezing rain that harshly hit me. I got my phone out and text Calum in hope he could come pick me up but seconds later my phone went off with an answer saying he couldn’t because he was busy with band practice. His band were taking things very seriously, they had formed about two years ago and have been putting up covers onto Youtube and have recently been recording some of their own songs.

I was just going through the school gates, deep in my own thoughts so I’m not exaggerating when I say I got the biggest fright of my life when I heard random screaming noises right in my ear and what felt like a millions hands thrown on to my back. After this initial shock I turned around to see five incredibly goofy looking faces staring back at me and in that moment I could not be happier because those five goofy faces belonged to my five goofy best friends; Becky, Calum, Luke, Ashton and Michael. “Seriously guys!? You almost gave me a fucking heart attack there!” Becky stepped forward and gave me a huge hug, “I’m sorry Bec, but we wanted to surprise you, because we are the bestest friends ever!” all the boys nodded in agreement and said “yep we so are” I couldn’t hold back my smiles I was so happy I forgot all about my exam. “I know you guys are and I love you all for it” I could tell Calum was eager to give me a hug he always wanted to make sure I was okay, he was such a good friend. My thoughts were interrupted as I felt Calum’s body clash into mine and his arms wrapped around my body and he squeezed me tight, he gave the best hugs.

“C’mon guys it’s pissing it down we can do all the hugs and stuff when we get there!” I heard Luke shouting over the rain. “I agree!” Michael shouted. I was confused as to why Luke said ‘there’ but I didn’t have time to think, we all ran towards the van. It was very handy that the boys got that van so they could take their instruments around with them because we could all fit in, three seats in the front and three behind them. It makes things awkward that there’s six of us, but we were just one big group of awkward people so it was fine. When we were all in Ashton shouted from the drivers seat “are we all in the man van?” we all call it the man van now because the boys won’t let me or Becky drive it, they treat it like it’s their child. “Yes you nutter!” Calum said in that cheeky voice of his. “Hey” Ashton replied “do you want to come with us or not? Huh?” “Sorry ASHLEY didn’t mean to hurt your feelings babe” Calum replied while giggling, we all laughed along with him for being such a goof. “Wait” I said, “we’re just going home right?” Luke winked at me, and Becky – in the front next to Ash – said “you’ll see, be patient” she turned round to look at me and made a stupid face and I did one back and we both laughed we were always doing stupid stuff like that. “Yey! I love surprises!” I said with a big smile on my face, they all looked so happy that they had cheered me up. Luke, being the biggest drama queen ever was complaining about being cold and wet, Calum said to him “god mate, you’re worse than Lexi!” Luke giggled then I could see that his thoughts were wandering away to think about his girlfriend Lexi. “So, where is the other half tonight then Lukey?” He snapped out of his thoughts and replied “We thought you’d like it if it was just us six tonight, just our little family.” I smiled, I liked the sound of that.

Becky's POV:

I had felt kind of bad for ignoring Becca for the whole day just so we could surprise her. Normally I would text her back straight away but the boys were telling me not too. Well it didn't matter now anyways because she was with us now and we would make it up to her. "Guys, can you just tell me where we are going?" Becca asked impatiently. "Where do you think we are going?" Calum replied as if it was obvious, which it was because we went to the same place every time. Ok this may sound weird but we always went to Tesco together, not the most exciting place for most people but we loved it and it was like our place. "TESCO!" Becca shouted making Ashton jump in the driver’s seat. "Inside voices Becca." Ash laughed. 

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