Am I Saved?

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I wrote this for everybody who feels unsure of their salvation.

Am I Saved?

God has promised salvation
To everyone who will see
That Christ died for everybody
And that only God can make us holy

But how can I be certain
That I won't go to Hell
How can I know that
God will save me as well

How do I know that
Gods grace can cover me
I have been so sinful
Will God answer my plea?

For everyone that doubts
That they are really saved
Remember that Jesus died for all
And that the cross he braved

He loves every sinner
And that is why he died
So everyone can go to Heaven
And with the Godhead we can abide

If you're doubting your faith
Just remember what Jesus did
Faith the size of a mustard seed
Is all Christ needs for him to forgive

You don't need to do anything
No works can save your soul
Only believe in Jesus Christ
And he can make you whole.

Sara Penner💗

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