Chapter 2 - Inspection

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The electronic door, at the northern side of the lab, slid open like an eyelid.

It revealed a thick skinned man with a scar that ran like a river from his right eye to his cheek.

His wavy black hair glistened like the well polished shoe on his feet. With hands in the pockets of his white suit he walked over to the two scientists.

He was followed by two muscular men carrying AK-47 rifles.

Miller saw Williams stop his work and look at the men with disgust. He couldn't agree more. Even on the first day he was tired of seeing their faces.

The newcomer stopped a few feet from the scientists. A crooked smile appeared on his face as he examined his livestock.

Smoke escaped from the nostrils of his crooked nose as he removed a thick cigarette from his mouth. "I heard you succeeded in creating a brontosaurus."

"You heard well." Williams said removing the gloves from his hands.

"Of course I did." the man said smiling his gold teeth shimmered in the white light of the laboratory.

That was his trademark. Miller never saw the 'style' in covering your tooth with metal. It was just a way of encouraging people to knock out your teeth.

It was exactly what he wanted to do now. Knocking out Brown's teeth would have made his day three times over.

At a signal the guards pushed the scientists to the main table with their guns. Brown, with thick gloves on his hands, ordered the scientists to open the cage.

When the cage door was opened Milly made her way to the cage door. Miller's mouth twitched. She was always curious.

As soon as she was close to the door Brown grabbed her by her mid section. He carefully examined Milly despite of her struggling and biting.

"A female. She seems healthy enough and she looks exactly like the brontosaurus that lived 230 million years ago." He paused looking at the men. "Which animal did you use?"

None of the scientists answered until one of the guards pushed Williams with his gun. He stumbled but caught the table edge in time. "We used a lab mouse."

Williams' face remained blank. Miller could imagine what was going through his head. Like most educated persons he talked a lot. Especially if it was a topic that he grasped.

He was sure that never in all his years Williams forced to relay information. From the looks of it he wasn't going to cooperate.

The soldier behind Williams cocked his gun and pressed the muzzle into his back. His eyes shut feeling the chill of the cool metal through his thin clothes. Replacing his glasses on his face he reached for his notes. A guard followed the movement with the firearm.

"Only the physical form of the mouse changed except that the mouse has some mental qualities of a brontosaurus. Everything else is written here."

Brown took the clipboard from him. He nodded as he digested the information. He examined Milly one more time before putting her back into the cage.

Before he could put her into the cage Milly glanced at Miller. Her yellow eyes stared unblinking at him just like a puzzled dog would to its owner.

Williams looked back and forth between them. Miller mimicked his expression for he was not sure what was going on. He barely registered when she twisted her body. Only a loud clap signified just exactly what her tail did when it made contact with Brown's face.

Everyone could see the sore, long, red slash that stood out on his pale face. He angrily shoved Milly into the cage. Laughter shone brightly in Miller's eyes, he had to bite his lips to suppress the it. She wasn't the only one that didn't like him.

Brown's hand brushed the butt of his pistol. Miller stood ready to tackle him. After what seemed like a second thought Brown dropped his hand. He rose a dark eyebrow at Miller's ready stand. "How soon should I expect the others?"

The muscles in Miller's jaw ticked. "You said we could leave after we developed the formulas."

"You still have many more to create."
Miller's jaw twitched, not sure whether to hang slack in disbelief or clench in anger. "But you gave us your word."

"My word means nothing if I don't intend to keep it."

Brown turned to go. Miller grabbed his collar pulling him back and swung a fist aiming for his face. Without breaking eye contact Brown he caught his fist. With a sudden movement Miller's face was smash against the cool surface of the table.

If his hair was any longer Miller could plait it with his fingers from the impossible angle his arm was bent around his back. He cried out when Brown fixed himself so that his elbow was pressed into his spine.

"Don't ever try that again." Brown said slowly, emphasizing each word with increased pressure on Miller's back just how serious he was.

Miller's face was red from the pain on his vertebra by the pointed joint. With a jerk Brown released him. Miller scrambled for the table edge to prevent himself from falling.

Standing up quickly he threw another punch. Again Brown caught it but this this time he held the wrist at an almost breaking angle. Miller's other hand was free but a soft click reminded him of the guards presence.

They stood face to face glaring at each. Brown tightened his grip causing Miller to buckle in pain. Removing his cigarette with one hand he blew a puff of smoke into Miller's face. "I suggest you do not try again."

"And if I do?"
"If you I will beat you within a inch of your life." Brown said it causally as if he was talking about the weather.

Miller had a smug look on his face. "You you need me."

Brown freed him unexpectedly causing him to fall to the ground. "Your right."

Miller got to his feet. Untamed brown hair fell into his equally brown eyes. He watched Brown warily wondering what he had up his sleeve. His eyes widened when he continued.

"The name of your daughter is Milly, isn't it? Five years old, blond hair, live in LA with her mother?"


Miller kept repeating the simple question in his head. Unlike Williams he found out before had that he was being tracked. He managed to warn his wife and get as far away as possible. He covered their track so how did he Brown find them?

Behind Brown Miller saw Williams sneaking up on the guards. About time one of them did something. Their stay was long over due. The guards were so focused on their conversation that they paid no heed to the gray haired figure behind them with a conical flask brandished like a weapon.

Miller almost smiled, the old man finally lived up to some use past lectures and formulas. Instead he tuned back to his desperate need to smash Brown's head into the ground repeatedly. Family was a big thing to him. He was pissed about being kidnapped and used like some slave but his daughter?

No that would be huge mistake. He would singlehandedly kill any man that would think of hurting a strand of hair on her petty head. Brown was no exception. Hell he was already on the free to torture list. "You wouldn't dare."

Brown laughed humorlessly. His eyes glinted savagely. "I can do whatever I want. Object again and I will make her pay."

A crash was heard when Williams tackled the nearest guard. Miller raised his hand in surrender when the other guard pointed his gun at him. There goes the opportunity to help.

One guard was too much for Williams who had no right to even be in a tug-a-war with kindergartners. With a wide sweep of his foot the guard had Williams face first on the tiled floor. Soon he was pinned with his hands tied behind him. He didn't struggle.

Miller looked at him in disbelief. Surly he didn't just start a fight and gave up. He had to be smarter than that. Surely a man holding so much knowledge wouldn't do something so stupid.

Williams locked eyes with him. Miller admitted that he didn't know the old man for long but one thing was unmistakable, he was up to something.

Yay another chapt is out. It's not as long as before but I hope it will do.

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