BAD ( a Mindless behavior story)

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Monogamy or whatever you call it

I'm starting to think it ain't for everybody

Most of us is rushing into it anyways, you know what I'm saying

You ain't rushing for love, and I ain't up here to judge

So let's neglect the "what if"'s and make it do what it doesj

~wale "BAD"

Chres P.O.V.


I dont know her name but she was good.

"HERE I C-COME!" I yelled

When I was finished I got dressed and walked out the janitors closet. Leaving that hoe in the closet.

"Yo man!" I heard my friend Ray call behind me.

"Yo! Wassup man." I said giving him dap.

"Nun just left lunch with craig, jacob, and Skyler." He said

Skyler was his girlfriend. But on the low I was screwin' her too. But shh! Thats none of ray's businiss.

"Awe yea?" I said

"Yea where were you? Ace and diggy were wondering." He said

"Umm.. Handling something." I said

"Mann nigga when you gone settle down and find a girl instead of all these sluts 'round here." He said

"The same time you shave your head.... NEVER!" I said turning around and heading to my last period class. With ray yelling stupid stuff at me.

"Whatever man! You just aint never made love!" He yelled back.

Sighs. If only he knew I was doing the dirty with Skyler. 😏.


I walked into class early, like always. Yeah im a player, but I gotta keep my grades good.

I walked to my seat and put my head down and waited until the bum-rush of a class to come in.

They arived after a good 5mim with the teacher behind them. When everyone was seated a girl walked in, she had carmel skin tone jet black hair that stoped in the midst of her back, deep ass dimples, and her swag was A1. She was gorgeous, to the normal guys. But a fuck and duck for me. Yeah shawty bad, with that coke shaped body, but if you haven't noticed. Im not the realationship type.

"Good morning class, we have a new student, her name is Jordyn McKay." The teacher anounced.

The teacher told her to take a seat. She did as was told and took a seat in the back. She pulled out her phone and ear buds and started to listen to music and the notes off the board.

As much as I tried to keep my eye's on the board, they always ended up back at Jordyn. Damn. I need to hit that, quick.


Jordyn's P.O.V.

I was sitting in the back of class with my headphones in listening to 'backseat freestyle' doing my notes. But this guy with short curly hair kept looking at me, I wanted to ask him "wtf you lookin' at son?" But I decided aginst it since it was my first day, and I wanted to start on a good note.

When class ended, I hopped in my bright red mustang and drove home. To my Surprise Craig wasn't here. So I decided to call him.

(Phone convo)

"Hello." He said

"Hey, where you at?" I asked

"Oh, Im still at school I'll be home soon, how was your first day?" He asked

"Ugh, I'll tell you about it when you get home. Bye bro," I said

"Bye sis." He said, the hung up.

(End of phone convo)

I got out the car and locked the doors, then unlocked the front door of the house. I walked into the kitchen to see Mr.Crippen, Craigs dad cooking Steak.

"Hey Mr.Crippen." I said as I got a water bottle out the fridge.

He sighed.

"You know you can call me dad, right." He said

"I will, when it's time." And with that I went up to my room.

Ok, I think it's time you get to know me. Well Im Jordyn, And Im 17. Im from NY, my real dad died in the war. My mom met Mr.Crippen when he took a vacation to NY. He decided to stay close with my mom so he moved there. Craig then became my bestfriend and when we found out our parents were getting married we were extremly siked. When craig turned 12 I was 11 and his dad decided we move in with him in LA, but me being stuck up, I wanted to stay In NY. But when I turned 16 we had to start packing. It took us awhile, but now were here. And thats about it.

After awhile of sitting in my room Craig came bursting into my room.

"Hello Jordyn." He said as he sat on my bed.

"Wassup son." I said

"How was your first day?" He asked.

"Suckish, cause one, we have no classes together, two I got to school during last hour, and three I know no one!" I said

"Well you know me." He said

"So! I just wanna go back to NY." I said

"So do I, but anyway has anyone given you trouble?" He asked

"No. But this guy in my last hour class was eye fuckin' the shit outta me." I said

"What he look like." He asked

"Tallish, my color skin, short curly hair, and some big ass lips." I answeres

"Ahh thats Chresanto, Roc to the hoes, he's my bro, but he's bad news, stat away from him. I don't want you heartbroken, or him paralized (sp)" he said

"Alright, not trying to be rude but can you leave son so I can finish decorating." I said

"Ugh. Fine." He said as he left the room.

I shut the door and looked around my room. It was empty, only thing there was my bed and clothes in the closet.

I sighed

"Time to make this home." I said and started to hang things on my wall.

After 15 minutes of hard work and dedication, my room was complete. My purple plush rug in front of the TV, posters plastered on the wall, my purple and white bed spread on my bed, my bean bag chairs im random places, and my iHome on my dresser. Just like my room in NY. One thing thats different is my window. It's one of those windows where the pane is big enough to lay on. I put two fluffy pillows on either end and a plush blanket layed out on it.

"Just like home I see." I hear a femiliar female voice say behind me.

I turn around to see my mom.

"Yea," I chuckled

She sighed

"You'll love it here baby, I promise." She said putting her hand on my shoulder

"I just want to be home, in NY." I said

"I know honey, but atleast try to make it work. For me." She said

"I guess ma." I sighed, she smiled and kissed my cheek, then left my room.

I sighed then went to change into my PJ's. I put my phone in my iHome to charge, turned out my light, then fell asleep.

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