Chapter 30:

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Monologue #3

|~ Alone. I have friends, yet im still, alone. Confusing right, but it's completly true. I have friends that I could tell any and everything to. But, they will never understand me, simply because they dont know how it feels. How it feels to feel pain, to feel lonely, to feel alone, to feel like, Me. It's me aginst the world, even my closest friends are on the other side. They try to reach out to me, but quit when they realize that I can't grasp them. Because their not with me. Im forever by myself. Alone~|



Minutes turned to hours, Hours turned to days, and days turned to weeks.

It's been weeks since me and Chres has spoken, or atleast looked eachother in the eyes. He avoids me in all my classes, but I shrug it iff. But, if he doesn't want to be in this realationship, all he has to say are two magic words; "It's Over". And he won't ever have to worry about me.

3 weeks is long enough to have some fucking space. But, it's not space if your spending it with the next bitch. He hasn't really been with Skyler at school anymore, but I beg to differ if their messing around again.

It's exactly one week from prom, and he hasn't asked me yet. But, if he doesn't ask me at all. And I catch him with another, then there will be no more Jordyn and Chresanto.

Thoughts continued to run my mind as I sat in the empty classroom before final hour. I felt a Presence near me. I looked to my left to see Chres. He was looking straight ahead. This was the closest he's been to me in 3 weeks.

"C-can we talk?" He asked. I stayed quiet and looked ahead. He sighed.

"I understand your mad, and possibly Jealous of me and Skyler hanging, an--"

"There is nothing for me to be jealous about. She's a THOT, fuck outta' here Chresanto. You've been gone for too long for you to jump at me with that shit." I snapped. He groaned and ran his fingers through his curls.

"Look, I didn't mean it like that. It's just I need space to cle--"

"Save your shit Chres. It doesn't take 3 weeks to clear your head about some shit I had no controll over. If that was the case I should still be clearing my head of the shit you pulled." I sassed as the bell rang causing students to swarm into the classroom. He sighed.

"I still love you Jordyn." He mumbled going back to his seat.


Class went on, and I couldnt help but not concentrate with the ocasional stares he would give me. I started to feel bad after awhile, he was just trying to talk and work things over. And now, I probably lost something good. I guess I could talk to him afterwards.

When last hour was over I sat and collected my things, and waited for the bum rush to end.

I walked down the empty halls and while doing so, I heard my brothers name come up in nearby conversation.

"So, your dating the targets brother? What the hell is wrong with you Bree?" One voice yelled.

I gasped, realizing it was Craig's girlfriend being yelled at. And me, beging the target means that it was Skyler she was talking too.

"Well yeah, I mean it's just untill the jobs over--

I didn't even want to here the rest, My brothers girlfriend is Associated with Skyler, which means she knows Niko, and that means she's working with him.

I ran down the empty halls to my car, and speeding off to my house.

I parked my car and fumbled with the house keys. He's not gonna believe me, so why am I doing this? I asked myself as I opened his room door, seeing him lying in his bed.

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