Chapter 35:

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|~A hopeless wondering soul. Thats what I am. Nothing more to say. A hopeless wondering soul.~|



It's been atleast 3weeks since the whole conversation with Rayan, And The only thing thats been on my mind was what he asked. "Are You Sure You Want To Be With Chres?"

I was sitting at the lunch table with the guys, completely zoned out. Only allowing myself to hear selctive parts of the conversation. Did I really want to be with Chres? Was the heavy question that weighed my mind.

I continued to stare into space, until I heard the table become silent, and a presence was felt next to me. I came back to reality, and turned my head to see Skyler sitting next to me with the most concerned, or helpess, look on her face.

"Can we talk, outside." She asked. I stood up without hesitation as the rest of the guys looked at me oddly. Welp, I had nothing else to lose.

We stood in the halls, awkwardly standing.

"Well, I just want to start this off by saying Im sorry. For everything. I really am." She spoke. I nodded, as a silence fell over us. I began to feel alittle remorse for her.

"Also, that I am not out to get you or harm you anymore. Niko is though. But, Im here to protect you. I feel really bad for all the things I've done to you, so the least I could do was help you. That was all I had to tell you basicly, and Im not really looking for an apology, or a friendship, hell! Im not even looking for any farther conversation. But, what I want is forgiveness." She begged. Thats when I really began feeling bad.

"You know what? I forgive, I really do. And im also sorry for being such a bitch twards you. And, whats wrong with being friends?" I Asked. And shortly being taken back by my words. I mean, yeah I felt bad for her. But Did I really want to be her friend?

She smiled widely, and engulfed me into a hug.

"Thank you. So so much." She beamed, as if she was just given an award. I nodded and smiled, feeling as if I acheived something also. Almost as if I had just befriended the enemy.

Simply because, I did.


No Ones POV

Jordyn walked back into the Cafeteria along with Skyler. And they both smiled and waved as they parted ways. Jordyn took a seat with the guys, and Skyler with Bree. Skyler's smile turned into a devious smirk look as she did so.

"Easy as pie." She laughed as Bree looked up in awe.

"Theres my girl! How real did you make it seem?" She questioned.

"I hugged her. Thats how real. I even told her that I was sorry, and that I was going to help her!" Skyler spoke.

"Ugh! You dirty lier! I love it." Bree joked.

It was then when something deep inside of her, began to turn its gears.

"But, I didn't lie. Everything I told her was 100% true. I wouldn't even be in this pardicament if it wasn't for Bree. I have no clue what made her like this. But, then again. I do. It was me. I've created a monster, that I have no control over. She was once a simple girl, until I got into her head with my selfish ways. And created a sinister child, a horror, another Me."

Skyler thought. She sat silently, as she watched Jordyn from a distance. She notice how she stared out into open space, with no emotion.

Skyler began to feel bad. She wanted to help her. But, she was already deep enough in her own shit, so there would be no way in hell to help her.

As Skyler was re-thinking her actions. Jordyn was thinking of Rayan. Not the question he put into her head. But, of him.

She thought of how close they used to be, and how dirty he would get by eating any simple food. How his abs glistend after he got out of the pool at the party. But, mostly, she thought of him telling her, that he loves her. That sentence replayed over and over. She's heard the word before, but she's never heard it like the way he said. He said it with so much care, and tenderness, passion.And that brought her back to his question.

"Do you really want to be with Chres?"

The only reason why, was because she thinks she's falling for him. She finds his mysteriousness attractive, and just his caring soul beautiful. And any girl could fall for that smile. She smiled alittle, at the thought as the bell rang. She was the first one to leave the table, and quickly escaped the lunch room.

It was then, when she made it to class she noticed something.

Craig wasnt at school.

She went into a phase of panic, but calmed down. He has been MIA for the last three days. But, only at school.

Class started, and Both Skyker & Jordyn held heavy thoughts on their mind.


Ok! It's short I know. And I didnt edit this at all! But, please read @shee_spiffy 's book that has been re-written, "The Pressure for Perfection"

Thats ; @shee_spiffy & The Pressure for Perfection.


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