A dream

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Anna P.O.V

Me and my friends were waiting in a room. The room was white, nothing but white. Infact me and my friends were wearing all white. I also realized that those boys who we ran into once, the 5sos? Yeah that's them. But...one person wasn't here..... ELSA!!! I try to tell her name but my voice won't work. I can't move either. I try but I'm glued down to the fuzzy uncomfortable chair I'm in. Suddenly someone is I front of me. A doctor. I didn't see her mouth move but the words. The words find their way out into my eye.
"I'm sorry for your loss. Your..."the dream fuzzes up, I'm getting woke up. " died in surgery. But we saved the baby. What is the name?" The doctor continued. I just sat there, who died? Elsa? Did Elsa die? And what is this about a baby? Suddenly Jack walks in the room. He does the same thing as the doctor, no lip movement.
" Allen, Allen frost."
Then the world falls away and I wake up.

Elsa P.O.V

I realized where I was right away. Jack was still here, laying with me, his arms around me. This looks weird. I think to my self. I hear Anna wake up and start walking around the house. Must be morning. I try to get out of my bed. But Jack pulls me back down into the bed.
Remind me to never take his teddy bear away. I note to myself. I roll so I'm facing Jack.
"Jack! Jack! Please get up!" I say shaking him.he finally wakes up and looks at me puzzled.
"Two nights in one week.i need to stop waking up here. It'll look weird to the public." He jokes I get up and go to my closet and start looking for a outfit for today. Today I'm modeling with Anna.
"Jack... You stayed the night. Why?" I asked him looking back I had a couple outfits in my arms when I turned around.
"Well... You were asleep on me. So I didn't want to wake you. And the one on the left." He  and said. I looked at the one in my left arm. Wow, he has good taste.
"Yeah okay." I say and stare at him. He gets up and stars to leave, when he turns around and gives me a note. Then he leaves.
I open the note to find. Picture taped to it along with a little writing.

Dear Elsa,

     Why didn't you tell me? I guess I'm not the best kisser ever like I thought I was.or you would've been bragging that the Jack kissed you.
       Xoxo, yours truly.

Then the photo was of me and him kissing that night at the club, and it was at an angle, must've been a security camera. How did he gets this?

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