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Do you ever feel nervous? Of course, you have what kind of question is that. Right now I am sitting in the car of my mother's old BMW. It's now or never Carly, I thought to myself. It was the first day back to school, I been attending this school since my freshman year. Honestly, this school isn't too bad but I just don't fit in with these people. 

I got out the car, closing the door softly, and locking it. Walking to the same locker, I had since three years ago. Opening the locker, my schedule floated out slowly I caught it looking through it. It was normal AP classes. Getting my books together, someone bumped into me knocking my books down.

"I swear to God these new kids at this school are so fucking hard headed." I looked up and raised my eyebrows at the boy that said that. He has golden curly hair, there were three other boys with him.

"Excuse my friend, he seems to be having a rough day today." The boy with the red hair said. I smiled nodding. 

"Hey you're not new, you been here since freshman year. I remember because you had to help me with English." The boy with the blonde hair smiled, Luke was his name I think. I continued to nod and just smile hoping they would go away.

"Why the fuck are you so quiet?" The Curly, boy asked. I rolled my eyes and groaned. 

"Because, I should be getting to class, but I didn't want to be rude and just walk away from you guys" I pointed to their little group.

"How come I never seen you around school all these years? I'm Michael by the way" The boy with the red hair asked. I shrugged, I'm pretty sure my name has been called more than twenty times a year for the grades that I get. 

"I need to get to class. Bye" I waved them goodbye and started to walk to my first-period class. Until I felt a hand grab me by the shoulder. 

"Sit next to us at lunch, you have lunch 5th period right?" Michael asks. I usually sit in the library during lunch and just read because honestly reading is interesting once you get into the book.

"Uhm, yeah I do. And I guess. I don't think the boy with the curls likes me too much." I mumbled looking down at the ground.

"Oh, Ashton? He is just having a rough day today his mom is a bitch sometimes" Michael chuckles. I gasp, I don't think it's respectful to call someone's mother a bitch.

I rolled my eyes "Ok see you 5th period Michael" I waved goodbye, but he stopped me again. 

"I didn't get your name pretty face" He smiled, I felt my cheeks heat up  turning a tint shade of red. 



Michael is so sweet lol

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