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"The hour has arrived, princess." My uncle leans in and whispers from behind. The golden bells of the watchtower toll and echo through the towns square, as I step up and take my place at the podium. My people bow in courtesy as I stand before them but I can see by the look of pure hatred in their eyes that they do not wish to do so.
Five men and two women await the blood stained noose as they stand, rigid with fear, in a procedural line, quivering with fear, in their final moments, before their inevitable walk to the gallows. Their sullen eyes dart from side to side, searching for any possible route of escape, and their bound hands twitch as they pull at the binds constricting their wrists.
Armed soldiers separate me and my people, it has become a necessary course of action since these executions begun. Groups of the crowd, often, try and resist my guardians but most have relinquished their efforts, too fearful of another massacre that comes with all riots, threatening me.
Why do they dislike me? What have I done to them that is so wrong?
A light caress on my elbow shocks me out of my futile thoughts.
"Princess, your people are waiting for your decision." My uncle urges quietly still touching the white, velvet sleeve of my gown.
"These people hate me uncle, they dislike these public executions. I do not think we have come to the correct decision..."
"Lucilla, this is not about what they wish, this is about what is best for the Kingdom."
"I understand uncle, but..."
"Lucilla! These public executions let the populace know that any deplorable activity with the revolutionary army will be punished accordingly! Now finish your duty to your Kingdom and order these deaths, I have a very critical meeting to attend to!"
I fix my glare towards him and stare at the mask of a face he wears to hide his true emotions. I am greeted with his favourite mask to wear. A charming smile and comforting eyes, usually reserved for me when we're standing on a podium together. Times such as now.
This facade is easily recognisable, to me, by now however. Looking closely, you can see the tiny contortions of facial muscles. Features supposedly meant to be helpful and caring tinted with suppressed annoyance and forcefulness, that if I hadn't been surrounded by him all of my twenty years of existence, I wouldn't have ever noticed. His charming exterior masks his real emotions quite fittingly. My gaze gives in and I cast my eyes downwards, inspecting the hem of my dress in defeat.
Without another word of pointless bickering, I step back to the podium and clear my throat before speaking the oh so familiar words in as loud a voice as I can muster.
"I princess Lucilla Caldwell, of the Kingdom Cietha charge these men and woman with theft, murder and several counts of treason, as well as the capital offence of associating with the revolutionary army."
Murmurs and shouts travel through the crowd and my voice wavers as I catch some of the horrible words and treacherous language directed at me.
"I-I sentence them to death by hanging."
Screams and shrieks of outrage drown out the sounds of the tolling bells, and the guards fight to repress the crowd from making it to where my uncle and I stand in silence.
One by one, the ever prideful men and the one weeping woman are marched up the narrow steps to the wooden contraption named the gallows. One by one the lever is pulled allowing the trap doors to give out and their pleas of mercy to be silenced for the last time, replaced by the snap of necks and the gasps of horror from the crowd. My throat starts to close in on itself and again I second guess our decision to hold these executions publicly or even.. at all. Surely jail time would be sufficient... But no. As uncle said, this can not be allowed. Murderers and thieves shall be bought to justice. My kingdom will not suffer more loss because of scoundrels and ruffians.
Still however, although these people are criminals and they wish to destroy everything I hold dear, it is very difficult to watch the life fade from their hate filled eyes and I can't help but let my eyes glaze over with tears. I quickly avert my gaze and wipe my tear stained cheeks, as I watch the last remaining rays of sunlight fade into the horizon, staining the countryside in a blood red shadow. Even the sky is mocking me. Everything is constantly reminding me of the blood on my hands and how, no matter how hard I try, my palms will never be clean. I blink the last of the tears from my eyes and breath in deeply in an effort to control myself. Uncle always reminds me that I should never show weakness in front of my people. People latch on to weakness and once that has happened, we will lose everything.
As soon as the last body has been loaded onto the cart beside the gallows, my uncle places his hand gently on my back and escorts me back through the palace gates, along with a multitude of armour clad men, to where we will both be safe from the attacks of our own people. My gown scuffs the marble steps leading to the palace entrance, as I hurry along trying to keep up with my uncles quick pace. The heavy wooden gates slam shut behind us and I immediately shy away from his touch.
"Thank you uncle, I shall retire to my room now. I'm feeling quite exhausted."
"Of course Lucilla. Of course you must get some rest. Lots of events coming up my dear! Lots and lots!" He states with a sharks smile and motions with two fingers to one of his guards. "Gideon."
"Yes, m'lord." He speaks before bowing slightly.
"Please escort princess Lucilla to her room."
"Of course m'lord. This way your highness." He says softly, offering me his arm. Without hesitating I take it and follow his lead inside the palace.

"This way your highness." I mock in a silly impression of Gideon's voice.
His brow furrows into what looks like slight annoyance, but I see the humor behind his irate expression. "You are very fortunate you are a princess and I cannot mock you back."
"Gideon." I whine in an unladylike manner. "I've spoken with you about this. You do not need to be formal with me, when we are alone. We are friends, remember?"
We keep strolling, passing the occasional guard or servant, in silence, our footsteps echoing through the wide palace hallways. I catch him glancing at me from the corner of my eye and I grin despite myself. The torch flames which illuminate the halls, flicker and cast deep shadows in the crevices of his face, highlighting the curve of his nose and the lines of his jaw. 
"I, princess Lucilla Caldwell, of the Kingdom Cietha..."
I giggle at the high pitch tone in his impression of me. "How dare you mock you're princess! Fool." I shake my head in false disgrace.
"Luce?" He asks after a comfortable moment of quiet.
He ruffles his hair slightly with one callused hand.
"What do you think of the rebels... the revolutionary army I mean?"
The heels of my shoes click against the stone floors, I concentrate on the simple rythem, trying to comprehend what Gideon could possibly mean?
"Gideon, that question does not make sense."
"Yes, it means exactly what it sounds like. What do you think of the rebels?"
"You know what I feel, I..."
"I want to know how you feel about them, not how the earl feels."
My voice stutters. "I-I..."
How do I feel? The revolutionary army are criminals... Of course, I must dislike them. I should hate them for the poverty and death they have brought upon my Kingdom. I hate them! I do!
"I-I hate the revolutionary army, of course. I feel the same as uncle does." I say with my chin up defiantly.
He stops in his tracks and smiles. "Good, me too." He clears his throat loudly and links his hands behind his back. "Do you require anything else princess?" He says politely, reverting back to his formal way of speaking as a servant shuffles by, pausing only to give a courtesy bow. The realisation suddenly hits me as I baffle at the familiar hallways and giant oak door. "Oh we're here already." He nods politely. "No thank you, I'm fine." I reply to his earlier question. He pulls on the massive brass handles and the doors to my chambers swing open. "Night Luce." He whispers, barely audible, before pulling the doors shut softly behind me.


Authors note:

Hey guys! What do you think of the first chapter. Pretty corrupt right? What do you think of Lucilla? And what about her tool of an uncle!? But most of all, penny for your thoughts on the relationship between Luce and Gideon? ;)

Vote for Corrupt my comrades!


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