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"Your gown is ready, princess."
My lady in waiting shoo's the other hand maidens out of the room as they set the dress on the monstrous bed in the center of the room. Grey tendrils of aged, brittle hair slip from her tight braid and frame her wrinkled face, as she rushes around the room in a great panic.
"Come now child, we must hurry and get you ready." She says taking my wrist in her tiny, callused palms and leading me to the dressing screen. I chortle slightly, watching her getting flustered, trying to undo the strings and pins that hold my current silks together.
"Oh Ms Agatha, stop fretting. We still have hours until the party."
"One hour" she replies pointedly, "is not enough time for a princess to get ready. If only those imbeciles of dressmakers would do their job properly, we would not be in this horrid mess."
She continues muttering insults about the seamstress, who I happen to think does an incredible job on all my fabrics. Gazing over my shoulder at the crimson puddle on my bed spread, however, I can tell just by the look of it that this dress was not made by my usual seamstress.
'Why not try a new dressmaker Lucilla?' Uncle said. 'It's not just any old ball after all. You need to look your best, so I shall arrange for only the best. Leave it to me, my dear.' He said.
Now I have a dress that is nothing alike my personality. Dark, heavy and, worst of all, the colour of dried blood. As if I am not reminded of it enough already. Red lace trimmings accentuate the neckline, then travel neatly down the bodice. It's a beautiful dress, there is no doubt... but it is just not something I would choose for myself.
"The gown is... luxurious, is it not? I say, still stupefied. "It must have cost a fortune, can we really afford this with how dire money is these days?"
"Well of course we can!" She exclaims like I've insulted her by asking. "We can not just have you wear any old dress tonight!" She exclaims haughtily.
"Because tonight is a special night." We both say in the exact same tone, at the exact same time. "I know, I know." I sigh.
"Exactly. There are going to be plenty of suitors here tonight and we need you to look absolutely perfect." She says, pulling loose the last string of my dress.
"Quickly now. Take this off."
She shoves me behind the dressing frame and hurries over to retrieve the gown off the bed.
"Here, put this on." She hangs the gown over the side of the dressing screen. "Apprise me if you require my assistance."
I peel the soft cotton dress from my shoulders and replace it with fiery, red silk, letting it fall down and billow at my toes.
"Ms Agatha?"
"Yes dear?"
I shy out from behind the dressing screen before replying. "I don't want to go to the ball."
Her coo's of appreciation and fiddling with my gown stop instantaneously.
"What on earth are you talking about child? There are going to be handsome young men, vying for your attention all evening. I know you must be nervous, but I promise you, there will be plenty of worthy suitors..."
She trails off as I walk briskly to my dresser and sink into the chair.
"Do not slump dear, it is not very lady like." She lectures sternly.
I frown at her in irritation. "Ms Agatha... I do not want a suitor..."
A long sigh escapes her lips and she whispers something under her breath that I can not quite make out.
"This is about that mischief boy, who sentries for the earl, is it not?"
I leap out of my chair in surprise. "How do you know about that?!"
"Oh please, I've raised you since you were a wee child, I am practically your mother. Of course I know you are smitten with the sentry boy."
Tears come to my eyes and I wipe them away as I fall back onto the seat.
"He hasn't done a thing wrong, Ms Agatha! He's always so kind to me and he's always the perfect gentlemen. The affection I have for him is completely one sided! Please Ms Agatha, please, do not tell uncle! He will be furious!"
"Hush now." She whispers fiercely, wiping the tears now streaming freely from my eyes. "Of course, I will not tell the earl, I serve you, not that vile monster." She finishes with a grimace.
I frown at her, making her apologize before she continues, "but you must attend this ball Lucilla."
A huff of anger escapes my lips before I can stop it. I quickly chastise myself for being so childish. I am not a baby throwing a tantrum! I am a princess of a kingdom and, once married, I will be queen. Therefore I have to behave like a queen. Behaviour of such ignorance can not be tolerated.
Silence descends over the room as we both begin to brood. Her stern gaze directed at me and mine also directed at me.
"Besides," She continues after a little bits silence. "Your feelings are oh so obviously not one sided." She states with a wink.
"Ms Agatha..!" I begin in mock admonishment, a furious blush creeping up my neck.
A knock on the door, makes my breath hitch in my throat. What if they heard! Gideon could..!
"Just speak naturally, my dear." Ms Agatha speaks gently, seeming to have sensed my discomfort. She places a kind hand, callused from work, on my shoulder. "You will be fine."
I clear my throat before speaking with only a slight tremble in my tone. "Come in."
A hand maiden slips through the small crack in the door and relief floods my body.
"I am sorry to disturb you m'lady but I was told to deliver this to you, right away."
"And, what might that be?" I ask in curiosity.
"A pendant of your mothers, m'lady. Earl Caldwell found it among her old things..." My heart skips a beat and I struggle not to march over and prise the box from her tiny fingers.
"Thank you, we still have much to do so.." Ms Agatha shoo's her out in a matter of seconds, before placing the box on the bed, where my gown once lay.
"We shall open it last." She announces. I nod in reluctant agreement.
She kneels down in front of my seat and hikes my gown up around my ankles, slipping both my feet into a pair of black and red flat sole slippers.
"These will keep your feet comfortable and they will be easier to dance in." She says giving me a cheeky smile. We are both grinning from ear to ear, when suddenly the mood turns sullen again.
"Lucilla... You do understand that a relationship between you and the sentry can never be?"
As the silence stretches on, she takes my hands in her old withered ones, waiting for me to look her in the eyes.
"This ball is for the good of the Kingdom. If you marry a proper, nice, handsome man, from a good family his fortune will be our fortune and it will free us from the pit of debt we're buried in." She pauses allowing me to wipe the tears, threatening to spill forth, before continuing. "Lucilla dearest, do you want your people to be happy again? Do you want your people to be fed and healthy?"
I do not hesitate before answering, "More than anything in this world."
She smiles softly. "Then there is your answer."
"Thank you." I smile at her kind old eyes and pruning lips.
She gracefully rises from her kneeling position and hurries over the process of pinning and clipping my hair. A short while later, a glance at the mirror reveals that I am ready. I examine myself in the mirror, carefully examining the mystery in front of me. I look... fierce. Like a woman who can get and do what ever she pleases. It's not really too far from the truth, I think, ashamed of myself.
My dress billows and flows with every movement, my fair skin contrasts greatly against the rich crimson thread and my dark brown locks are pulled back in a tight up do, accentuating my sharp features. I look exactly how my uncle would want me to look. Powerful.
Finally, Agatha totters over to the small, wooden box sitting on the slightly rumpled bed covers. She unclips the clasp and the lid pops open with the slight whine of rusted hinges. I tilt my head accordingly allowing her easy access to set the pendant in place.
"You look absolutely stunning dear. Your parents would be so proud."
I study the pendant in the mirror with wonder. At first it seems like a normal silver oval with small engravings as decoration, but as I lean in closer, I notice that the engravings are actually the kingdoms coat of arms. A majestic golden hawk in flight, with a blade embedded in its chest and surrounded by bodies of the fallen. Over time and through tutoring, I learnt that Cietha's coat of arms meant to represent, no matter how many enemy's seek to defeat us, thou shall not prevail. Cietha shall rise from the ashes of any battle.
The pendant gleams, glitters and rests delicately right between my collarbones. Beautiful, intricate and perfect down to the last detail.
I toy with it on my chest, while Ms Agatha makes the final adjustments to my attire.
Sadness engulfs me as I think about how this very pendant, now a family heirloom, once belonged to my mother. It too, however, brings me immense joy that I have a piece of her with me. For tonight especially.
A light knock on the door startles me out of my trance.
"Come in."
The door opens widely and Gideon steps in, dressed in fine clothes and looking dashingly handsome.
He bows, as I baffle at him. (I also notice a slightly shocked expression when his eyes land on me. He gathers himself quickly, if I might add.)
"Good evening your highness. Your guests await and I have been sent by earl Caldwell to escort you to the ballroom."


Authors note:

I'll keep this one short guys since this chapter was a bit long haha. Well I hope you enjoyed the casual and serious banter between Lucilla and Ms Agatha. Who's excited for the ball?! I know I am.

Votes, comments, messages! All are appreciated guys! Thanks for the support! :)

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