P.E. class

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'It's already 12:40! I have to be back at school in five minutes!' You feel your heartbeat getting up and you start to panic.

'Don't worry,' says Brad, 'it's only a two minute walk from here.'

'Yeah, you're right, but we have to go now. I really don't want to be late for P.E.'

'You go grab the coats, I'll get the check.'


You're leaving the fancy restaurant. The food was really nice. You cannot stop wondering if this isn't a bit to much for a first date. Especially because you only had one hour. Grabbing a cup of coffee or a sandwich also would have been great.

'You don't have to stay,' you say, 'you don't have to watch us sport while you are just sitting there. It can be very boring.'

'Are you sure? I don't mind watching you guys.'

'Yes, you can go. I only have two hours P.E. and one hour biology anyway.'

'All right. Then I'll go to the hotel I guess. I want to call the lads. I haven't seen or spoken them for a few days now. We really have to catch up.'

'Tell them I said hi. Even tough they don't know me.'

'Yes I will. Have a nice day at school.'

'I will. Have fun calling James, Connor and Tristan!'

'Can I call you after school?'

'Yeah, sure.'

'Okay, bye!'


You walk into your school. You hear the buzzer and you realize you really have to hurry up. This was slightly awkward. I guess first dates are always awkward. On your way to class you bump into Neal. You apologize.

'You're in a rush, what's wrong?' he asks.

You feel that your whole body is freaking out. 'I don't know!' you say, 'I have to go to class.'

'Come here and sit down. You have to relax and calm down. What happened? Didn't that date go as you expected?'

'No, that's not it. We went to an amazing restaurant and we had a good talk.'

'Then what's wrong?'

'It just doesn't feel right. He is a great guy, but I know long-distance isn't going to work out. And, I don't know, I just get the feeling that we're not meant to be together. I know this sounds crazy and I know lots of girl would love to date Brad, but it's just not for me.'

'It's not crazy. If you guys don't have that special connection, it can never work out.'

'But he thinks we do.'

'Yeah, but you both have to feel that way.'

'You're right. Crap, I had to be in class like ten minutes ago.'

'What class?'


'The teacher is ill, so all classes were canceled. Mine too this morning.'

'Great then I have to wait two hours for biology.'

'At least you don't have to wait alone.'

'Yeah, you're right. It's not that bad.'

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