Chapter 3: Falling In Love

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A/N: Here is chapter three! Another long chapter I suppose. Welp! Better get to work then! ^_^


Chapter 3: Falling in Love

'I keep falling in love, falling in love, every time I see you my heart goes oh oh oh oh~'
                                                        -Park Bom (2NE1)

Blossom's P.O.V

I fluttered my eyes open, yawning as I sat up on my bed. I looked out of the window and noticed the sun was out already. Just in time, my alarm went off and I immediately punched the button, not in the mood. Yesterday's events soon replayed in my mind as I went to the bathroom.

~Flashback Time!~

"Then we'll help them escape the lab.." Buttercup said, crossing her arms. We all looked at her, as if she was a crazy person. i know that my sister, Buttercup is a reckless person, but helping people escape a high-security lab is WAY too reckless...

"Sis! That's way too dangerous!" Bubbles exclaimed. I looked over to dad and he had the same expression as Bubbles. Brick and Butch looked at each other while Boomer just stared blankly into space, what were these boys thinking?

But... They DO deserve to be free.. Why not give them a chance?

"Dad, I think we should help them..." I said, looking at him with pleading eyes. He just sighed and massaged his forehead. "As much as I would like to girls, but.. We are prohibited in setting them free.." Dad said, looking at us apologetically.

"Thanks for trying anyways..." I heard Brick mutter before plopping himself onto his bed. His other brothers did the same thing, while we stared at them with sympathy.

'Don't worry Brick... I'll think of something..'

~End of Flashback~

I sighed and shook my head. I kept on replaying that scene in my head. The way Brick's voice sounded, it had so much disapointment into it. I then put on my red ribbon and tied it at my favourite hairstyle.

"There's no way I am giving up on freeing them.. I'll help them, I just need help.." I muttered before grabbing my bag and rushed downstairs.

As soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs, the smell of bacon hit my nostrils. I instantly grew hungry and walked to the kitchen, where I saw Bubbles sitting pretty on her place while Dad was cooking some bacon. Yum.

Bubbles saw me and waved at me, which I gladly returned. I sat down beside Bubbles. 'Hm.. Buttercup is not yet down here? She really should be down stairs right now.. Unless...' My eyes widened and I immediately shook my head at that thought. 'There is no way she could be doing that...'

[A/N: Please.. Do not be thinking bad.. ^_^]

After minutes have passed, the bacon was ready and Buttercup made it just in time. She sat beside me as Dad gave us our waffles, bacon, eggs, toast and etc. I poured myself a glass of juice and drunk a bit before digging in my breakfast.

~A Few Minutes Later~

No One's P.O.V

After the girls had their wonderful breakfast, they kissed Professor goodbye and walked out of the door, leaving their father behind. Silence filled the house of the Professor, until he finally said..

"Don't worry boys.. I'll find a way..." he whispered before heading to the garage with the car keys.

At school

The girls have finally arrived at school with only 15 minutes to spare. Without any hesitation, they ran inside the building.


The three brothers were sitting quietly in the plain white room again. None spoke to each other ever since Buttercup's attempt to free them, sure it was sweet, and plus, it was their first time hearing people wanting them to be free. But they knew how cold the world was, they would be called freaks, rejected, broken.

Brick sighed and threw a paper ball to the trashcan, as if it was a basketball. It went in and he mumbled "Hoops" before he laid down on his bed. As he looked up at the white ceiling, the image of Blossom flashed in his mind. He reacted and shook his head. 'Why was she suddenly in my head?' He wondered as he tossed to other side.

Boomer also experience the same but with Bubbles. The way she laughed, talk, smile, almost everything about her was enchanting to Boomer. He blushed like a tomato just by thinking about her.

Butch however, was in his.... own world. He was ... ehem.. imagining stuff with Buttercup cause of the pervert he was.

And that's when the boys realized something.

They fell in love with the Professor's daughters.

||Time Skip!||

At New Townsville High School

Blossom waved goodbye to a few students before walking to her sisters, who were waiting for her at the school gate. Blossom smiled at the sight of her sisters and stopped running once she was close to them. Buttercup just rolled her eyes and started walking.

The two sisters, Blossom and Bubbles, looked at their sister in a confused expression. Yesterday, she seemed happy about seeing Butch, the experiment boy, and now, she is pissed.

The girls decipher what was going on and finally realized that.. their "tsundere" sister was falling for a boy. The girls squealed and clasped their hands together, fangirling at the moment. But it stopped when they heard an angry yell from Buttercup, "ARE YOU GUYS GOING OR WHAT?!"

Blossom pouted and startled walking to Buttercup while Bubbles sweatdropped and followed Buttercup and Blossom.

As the three girls were walking home, none spoke a word. Bubbles didn't even ask how their day was, how odd. Bubbles smiled at Blossom while she returned the smile. They both giggled, which made Buttercup raise an eyebrow.

"What are you two upto?" Buttercup asked, slightly irritated. She didn't want to be involve of some fangirling scheme, and it was hard since her sister are fangirls.

Bubbles smiled, "You like him.. Don't you, sis?" She said with a teasing tone, making Buttercup almost trip.

Blossom giggled and Bubbles did the same. Buttercup glared at her sisters before continuing her path home. She trued to dodge Bubbles' question but that can't be possible, not with Blossom around.

"Yeah Buttercup! You like that Butch boy!" Blossom teased. Buttercup blushed and stopped walking, her sisters did as well and they smirked in victory. Buttercup turned around and directly pointed at the two, making them confused.

"Don't act like you don't like those boys either!" Buttercup said, trying to win the fight. The two stepped back blushing, and that's when Buttercup put on her victory smirk.

"Fine! We're even then!" They yelled at the same time.

Buttercup faked gasped and said, "So you admit it!"

Looks like they're falling in love~


A/N: I think this chapter.. kinda sucks. For my opinion though, I don't know about your opinions but, I tried my best. Hey, atleast I published right? And I am still waiting for the OCs. I might put this book on hold if no one wants to. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it! I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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