Chapter 15: Where The Truth Lies

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Hey guys! Yes this is a little note at the start!!! This chapter is going to be action packed and long! A few older characters will be mentioned in this and I hope I blow u mind! Enjoy! :)

Chelsea's POV
I bit my lip as I continued to walk back to the pharmacy. Should I tell them? I thought as I panicked harder. I let out a deep breath and pushed open the pharmacy door. Everyone instantly turned around and pointed their guns at me. I held up my hands sarcastically.
"All right you got me!" I acted out the part of a victim. Everyone laughed and lowered their guns.
"How did you get out of there!" Lewis said pulling me into a tight hug. I glanced at Cameron over his shoulder who nodded. I couldn't take it anymore! I was overwhelmed and I sprinted out of the pharmacy, I was breathing hard when I heard the pounding of footsteps behind me. I turned my back to the person,
"What happened out there." Lewis demanded clearly frustrated.
"It's better if you don't know." My voice was slightly shaky.
"I'm sick of all this lies! Just tell me the damn truth!" He shouted. I winced at his tone. Wow that hurts. I turned around and flashed my silver eyes at him, he stumbled backwards surprised.
"WHAT THE HELL!" He screamed at me aiming his gun at my head. I flinched as he pressed the cold barrel of the gun to my head. I let out a shaky breath and looked him dead in the eyes. I saw a mixture of sadness and anger flash through his eyes. His face showed how hurt he was, that I didn't tell him sooner. He used one finger and reloaded the gun not moving it from my head.
"I'm sorry." I whispered as a single tear fell down my cheek. He pulled the trigger.
Me and Lewis sat in the classroom with our iPads playing smashy road. We both laughed frantically as we both died, Jess, Jade, Amber and Scarlett let out a few laughs too. I ran over to Scarlett and high fives her, Scarlett and I grinned at each other and locked arms.
"STREET LIFE!" We said repeatedly walking through the empty classroom, moving our hips side to side. Everyone in the room laughed. The teacher in the room didn't seem to be too impressed though and threatened to kick us out.
"I'm worried about them." Jade said still laughing.
"Me too." Jess and Amber said in union. Lewis was just shaking his head at as us as we continued to laugh like idiots. I loved my friends to death, all of them. Me and Scarlett began laughing hysterically as we talked about one of the books I was writing. By now we were jumping up and down, Jess was giving us worried looks while I dragged Scarlett off to the corner explaining more and more about my book.
-Another Flashback-
Text message convo:
Lewis: Thanks for having my back today
Me: Anytime Lewy. I would die for you.
Lewis: Yeah same. I just really appreciate
Me: I love you guys to death and I would do anything for you guys to the end.
Lewis: Your a great friend Chels
Me: I know ;)
Lewis: Hey don't push it
-End of Convo-
I glanced down at my ipad rereading our texts and smiling like an idiot. Lewis was one of my best friends, he was funny, smart, kind and he was always there for me. I knew I could trust him to the end and I always will trust him. Lewis has always been like a brother to me. I tried being the best friend I could. He was the greatest guy I knew and I hoped he never changed. I loved that guy like family, I would die if anything ever happened to him. I will fight for him to the end, even if it means one day it would kill me. I only wish he knew how much he meant to me I would lose everything for him, I guess I was just that type of friend.
-End of flashback-
Unknown POV
How the hell did she escape! I wasn't done with her yet. It was that guy, Cameron I think his name was? How I have been so stupid! At least her being on of us would tear apart there group, wait yes this could work. I smiled to myself as a plan formed in my head. The door opened and one of the people I hate most came in.
"What do you want?" I hissed at him as he rolled his eyes and played with his black hair.
"Talking you out of doing this shit." He growled at me his brown eyes showing anger.
"Just because I was friends with Macey doesn't mean you can lecture me!" I yelled at him and stormed out of the room, by the sounds of it he just punched a wall. I groaned, now someone would have to clean up his mess, again. I stomped outside and sat on the wooden chair. My light brown hair was held up in a high ponytail and I was wearing black jean shorts with a plain white shirt. I've always hated that bitch, I hope I can get the chance to kill her myself. I grinned evilly imagining it.
I walked to my locker and did my combo. Chelsea came up next to me and undid her locking giving me a small smile. I returned the smile and began getting the books out of my locker. Adam came past and spoke to her for a minute, she came back to her locker and slammed it holding her books so tight her knuckles were white.
"What's wrong?" I asked standing up from my locker.
"Your a lying bitch that's my problem! You tell me you don't like him and then you run around sending texts to people about me being a slut!? The only slut here is you and next time don't spread rumours or your pretty face won't be so pretty." She spat in my face angrily. I've never seen her this angry, she shoved me into a locker and by now everyone was watching us. I put a hand on her shoulder trying to stop her so we could talk. She spun around and punched me right in the nose breaking it.
"Don't touch me again!" She hissed at me her voice low and deadly. Macey and Juliette came running over to see if I was ok, which I clearly wasn't. And from that day I've hated that girl and Adam.
-End of flashback-
Izzy's POV
I walked around town with my katana in hand. Lewis and Chelsea still hasn't came back, I was beginning to get really worried. Kat and Alex were still missing too, I didn't care much for Alex but Kat was one of my friends now. I walked around town and saw a body on the ground. I ran over to it to see Kats lifeless body on the ground dried blood covered her face. Hot tears ran down my face and anger bubbled inside of me. Who did this? It's a gun shot and there aren't any bites on her. I was so angry if I ever found out who did this I would kill them. No I would make them pay first. I heard gun shots go off further down the street maybe it was the person! I ran over to help fight the group of zombies the person was fighting off. I started attaching the first zombies I could reach and let all my anger out on these vile creatures. My sharp blade easy cut the limbs off the zombies, when we had finished fighting I was panting hard. I turned to the person and my jaw almost hit the floor at who I saw.
"Jess?" I whispered

CLIFFHANGER!!! Hahaha sorry guys for doing this to you! So many cliffhangers in this chapter! Yes even at one stage it kind of got a bit emotional with the Lewis thing but it was all true!!!
Did Lewis shot Chelsea?
Who is the unknown person who hates Chelsea so much?
Is Jess really alive?

So many questions!!! I'll answer some of these questions in the next chapter! Remember vote, comment follow!!!

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