Chapter 11 - Training

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It was then arranged for the Rapunzel, Merida and Hiccup to meet with the army every afternoon (and Jack of course but no one saw him) for compulsory training in the form of defending, not attacking, the dragons they would be facing. Merida was puzzled, why would they want to defend and not attack a clearly dangerous opponent? but Hiccup talked some sense into her, explaining how he met and trained Toothless. 

To prove his point to the whole Scottish army, he drew a sword before his dragon and the night fury, initially docile and tame, snarled and bared his teeth, eyes narrowed and aggressive. From that point they realised how to treat and train them, with respect, dignity and patience.

Merida was in charge of the weaponry, something she'd dreamed of for years. She spent night and day in her new armour and she was consistently chatting to Hiccup excitedly about new improvements to it, more gadgets or conveniences that she could attach somehow. He'd laugh and joke that she'd be asking for a flight suit next, which instantly got her excited.

Rapunzel was doing well in hand to hand combat. Initially she fought against Hiccup but she progressed past that level very quickly, beating him in several rounds of sword fighting. She then began to train against Merida and instantly learnt how important it was to parry your attacker. With every slash, every block and every swipe of the broadsword, she built up muscle, stamina and trust in herself and her hosts. Jack taught her that too.

Elinor and Fergus discussed the issue of Merida's marriage while the training took place; Fergus had been forbidden by his wife to fight due to his leg and 'she couldn't lose the pair of them'. Fergus was least worried about it, and even Elinor was less uptight about the situation.

"Have you seen how much time she spends with the Viking lad?" Elinor said one afternoon while the training continued in the courtyards. "It's like they're inseparable."

"Maybe the marriage games weren't needed after all," Fergus chuckled, rubbing his beard with his thumb. Elinor sighed.

"All this time when I was trying to teach her how to behave," she muttered to herself, "she didn't need it. She just needed to be herself."

"Aye," Fergus smiled, taking his wife's hand gently in both his own, "Maybe this dragon attack came at the right time. They'll bond through all the training, get closer together; we've just got to pray that neither dies in battle or something." Elinor shuddered so he changed topic swiftly. "What d'you think of the new princess, Rapunzel?"

"I'm not sure." Elinor's brow crinkled slightly as she thought. "She's nice enough, polite, kind, gentle, but slightly dreamy. Always talking to herself. It's like, I don't know, she's got an imaginary friend. Someone who doesn't exist except in her own mind." Fergus shrugged.

"I see what you mean, but maybe that's just because she's scared. Remember her parents have been kidnapped? We've got search parties out looking but we haven't found anything. They're at the mercy of, quite frankly, a madman. How were we expecting her to react, honestly?"

His wife sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly from the uptight posture she'd been used to holding for so long.

"I don't know. I just hope Merida treats her well. They're so different; you'd think they'd leave each other alone totally."

"I don't think so," Fergus smiled. "They've been training together with that Viking lad every day since he made her that new bow, teaching her how to wield a broadsword. She's stronger than she looks, that girl. Tough spirit I should think. Hard to crack."


"Block it Rapunzel! Block it!"

Merida's voice rang as clear as a bell; it was heard all over their makeshift training quarters, above all of the shouts and clashes of metal striking metal. She was duelling Rapunzel again, not for the first time, and she was teaching her more and more techniques which were proving fruitful. Rapunzel's forehead was glistening with sweat as she fought hard; she knew it'd be hopeless against Merida but a grin was on her face as she was knocked to the floor, Merida's sword resting on her breast-plate.

"Much better!" The red head stepped back with a smile and slid her sword back into her scabbard. "You're doing so well Rapunzel, you deserve a break." That was code for, you can go and see Jack now. The blonde smiled and nodded, retreating to the cool sanctuary of the woods and leaving Hiccup to practise on Merida.

She walked for a few minutes, still sweaty from training, until a white-haired boy appeared in front of her, hanging upside down from a branch.


A little startled by his close proximity, Rapunzel jumped back and blushed, laughing to disguise her embarrassment. Jack grinned and floated to ground level, sitting on the forest floor.

"How was training today?"

"Not bad." Rapunzel followed his example and sat on a moss-covered log. "I came close to beating Merida but I don't think I ever will. She's just too good."

"You beat Hiccup though?" Jack chuckled and Rapunzel laughed. "Then again, that's not too hard. Noodle arms."

"He's clever though," she pondered to herself and he nodded. "He designed all of this." She lifted her arms and gestured to her new armour, slightly scratched from the training but still bearing its shine. "All from just measurements. It's perfect."

"He measured you?" Jack said very quickly, eyes narrowed. Rapunzel laughed.

"No, he got maids to do that whilst he was busy measuring Merida himself." Jack grinned.

"They've got something there, it's obvious. I wouldn't be surprised if they announced their marriage tomorrow."

"What marriage?"

A Scottish accent piped up and Jack's eyes flew open in shock. Rapunzel only laughed harder seeing Jack fluster under Merida's cold glare.

"Nothing, oh mighty wielder of the sword, who is so much obviously better than everyone else she has to show it off to every single soldier with decent arms," Jack replied, quicker than a startled rabbit. In response, Merida hit him over the head with his staff which was lying on the ground.

"What did I miss?" Hiccup asked as he joined the group. "I managed to get your parents to give us some time off as we'd been working so hard."

"Didn't miss much," Jack shrugged, "other than your girlfriend abusing me but you know..."

"Excuse me?" Merida and Hiccup spoke in sync and glared at Jack with exactly the same look of death in their eyes so he couldn't help but laugh.

"We are -"

"We're not -"

"Just friends!"


"We're not like that!"

"You're not - I don't -"

"He doesn't -"

"She doesn't ..."

"Leave them alone," Rapunzel said to Jack, rolling her eyes. "They don't need that right now. Training's nearly over - we should be celebrating!"

"She's right!" Merida replied, eager to change the subject. "It'll all be over tomorrow and then we need to work on battle plans. We'll get to the bottom of this; we'll find your parents," she said, looking at Rapunzel. "I promise."

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