'In the beginning all we had was eachother'

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A/N: those are Takeo's seals. Also this is kind of a filler chapter to give you insight into the early days of Takeo and his initial relationship with Hidan.

I've learned that fear limits you and your vision. It serves as blinders to what may be just a few steps down the road for you. The journey is valuable, but believing in your talents, your abilities, and your self-worth can empower you to walk down an even brighter path. Transforming fear into freedom - how great is that?

- Soledad O'Brien


The beginning of this story is nothing special. It simply depicts the beginning of a life.

The day Takeo was born.

The day his mother died.

The day his father lost his fiancé.

The day his father killed his neighbours in Yugakure, the Village Hidden in Hot Water.

The day his father became a missing-nin.

The day an innocent child lost any sense of normalcy in his life.

Life wasn't all bad. There were times where the boy was happy, but a life time had passed since then. At the start, before the age of twelve to be specific, the boy had hoped things would get better.

They never did.

~~~~~~~~~~<><~~~~<><~~~~~ aged 6~~~~<><~~~~~~~~~<><~~~~~~~~~~~~

Inside a small wooden hideout just outside of the Yugakure boarders, lived a ritualistic cult that lived to serve their God, Jashin. The members of this self proclaimed cult come from all walks of life, varying in ages and appearance, all to serve their almighty Jashin.

The most unusual part of this cult was that the youngest occupant, was only six years old.

A certain silver haired Jashinist, Hidan's son, Takeo was not a jashinist. The boy was merely living in a hideout filled with members who want nothing more than to sacrifice him to Jashin. Unfortunately for them, due to Hidan being one of the strongest members of the cult, Takeo was left in peace for the most part.

On this particular day, Hidan had overslept leaving Takeo to fetch himself some breakfast. The silver haired boy quietly snuck out of his shared room before sprinting down the hall, descending the stairs and finally taking a right he comes to the kitchen. Upon entering the dull rarely used kitchen, he found two of the scariest Jashinist's smirking at his lonely presence.

His father often told Takeo not to cross Kamatchi and Churo, as they would gladly sacrifice him to Jashin just to spite Hidan. To say that Takeo feared them would be an understatement, he was terrified of them.

Takeo knew if it came to a fight they'd have the upper hand being a two on one fight, but the two knew not to underestimate the small boy. He was significantly stronger than them in terms of ninjutsu, taijutsu and even kenjutsu, but that did not detract from the fact that if one of the two in front of him nicked him with a weapon, it was game over.

Takeo audibly gulped before hesitantly attempting to make his way around the kitchen table, only to be stopped by the presence of a scythe moved in front of him. "Now, now, kid. What are you gonna do without your daddy here to protect you?" Snarls Churo as he watches the boy squirm under his gaze.

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