'Snow and Ice'

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^^ Takeo. I also have another Naruto story if you guys wanted to read it, it's called 'The Marionette'.

Third Person POV:

As the sun peaked in the sky, the sweet chirping of birds entrances passers by with their sweet melodically tunes. But as you get deeper into the forest of the Land of Waves, the birds melodies fade as sound of clanking metal and playful banter becomes more prominent.

"Come on Snow I know you can do better than that!" Exclaims a spritely silver haired boy as he dodges his friends senbon with ease. "I'm just going easy on you Ice, I need to build your confidence after all." Replies a very feminine looking boy with long dark tresses, as he narrowly avoids the red and black scythe.

The silverette scoffs at the elder boy in front of him, "I don't need confidence Snow, I've beaten you every time we've fought since I arrived. I merely need to remember not to get complacent if we need to fight when Zabuza eliminates the bridge builder and besides snow fighting you is as easy as taking candy from a baby."

Snow and Ice jump back, ready to launch forward like a coiled spring but are stopped by Zabuza's voice, "SNOW, ICE GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE ITS ALMOST TIME!" The two boys sigh but comply with their sensei's wishes. As they enter the base the sound of their wretched employer, Gato's voice rings out.

"-so that's the amount you the three of you will be paid for this assassination, now where are those two brats- oh there you are! Enough playing around with your silly jutsus, it's almost time for the boat man Keji to be in place. Once the old man is eliminated then you will get your pay, it's simple really." Says the ugly brute that is Gato as he addresses the shinobi in front of him.

The silver haired boy groans in annoyance as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Yes Gato we understand the plan inside and out. Also those 'silly jutsus' could one day either save or end your life, so I'd watch my tongue if I were you-" "Takeo! That's enough, leave the bitter man to wallow in his money we have a job to do." Cuts off Zabuza, throwing an irritated glance in the boy's direction.

Takeo rolls his stunning aqua eyes, muttering a 'whatever' as he leaves go base to escape the repugnant stench of the filthy rich midget in the room. After a few minutes his two comrades join him as they make their way to where Tazuna is said to be. The trio hide their chakra as they get closer via the trees to hide their approach.

Takeo and Haku put on their hunter-nin masks that they stole, Takeo throwing a large black cloak to disguise himself better, as they sit idly on an overlooking branch and watch their Sensie's fight below.

~~time skip until end of fight~~

"Aw shit Snow, it's time to intervene!" Whispers a frantic Takeo, Haku simply nods as he throws senbon with such precision, into the neck of Zabuza leaving him in a death like state.

The two quickly jump between the leaf shinobe and Zabuza, the leaf ninja stare bewildered at their appearance. "You were right this was his last battle. Thank you for helping stop Zabuza, we've been tracking him for quiet some time now." Says Haku from my right. Takeo chuckles slightly "the demon can be quiet a handful, you guys will sleep well after this battle."

Kakashi checks for Zabuza's pulse "he's dead." He says slightly impressed at the young pairs work. The small blonde jumps forward, pointing accusingly at the two masked ninja, "who are you? believe it!" Takeo sighs saying in a bored and somewhat sarcastic tone "wow, isn't he a spritely one?" While the copycat ninja replies to the confused blonde "Naruto, they're hunter-nin, relax they are on our side."

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